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Sorry to break it to you, but it is extremely unlikely that someone that has a unused birth certificate would give you the code, especially since answers on this site are public.

You can purchase a furry friend from the Build-A-Bear website or go to your local Build-A-Bear Workshop which will come with its own birth certificate.

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Q: Has anyone bought a build a bear with the certificate but never used the code for Build-a-Bearville?
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A code to anything on Build-a-Bearville like a furry friend or an item?

The only way to get a code for a bear is to buy a bear from your local build a bear workshop and get the code from the bottom of the birth certificate and enter it into build a bear ville and you get the bear that you bought. Btw, I am emilycheerbear on buildabearville. If you want you can send me a friend request and I hope I will see you on buildabearville!

Does anyone have Build-a-Bearville store credits?

yes i do but you cant get store credits that are on buildabearville

How do you play the old build a bear ville?

Go to the build a bear store click on the cashier and type in the secret code on your birth certificate

Does Build-a-Bearville change?

i dont really no if anyone is out there please tell me if buildabearville changes and dont reply back idk

Anyone have a unused birth certificate for Build-a-Bearville?

no i have not

Where is the slingshot in buildabearville?

build a bear workshop.

How do you get a furry bear in build a bear?

Go to your local build a bear workshop, pick out a bear you want, stuff it, give it a bath, make a birth certificate, then on buildabearville put in the animal id and keycode, then you have a bear!

Does anyone have the animal id and birth certificate to your build a bear?


Where are the hidden cameras in Build-a-Bearville?

The makers of buildabearville monitor what you are doing on buildabearville, if you swear or something worse you will be banned like what I did.

Anyone has a build a bear ville birth certificate that's unused?

Not really.

Where can you get a vehicle on build a bear ville?

Go to buildabearville outfitters.

Move codes for Build-a-Bearville?

change your password on buildabearville