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The same way as in a Bowling alley.

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Q: How are pro points calculated in Wii bowling?
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Related questions

Can you get rid of stars on your bowling ball in bowling on the Wii?

Yeah, all you have to do is stop being a pro get your points to drop under 1000p and they will go.

What happens when you score 2000 points or more in bowling on the wii?

Nothing at all you stay a pro nothing more.

How do you get a shiny ball in bowling on Wii sports?

That shiney ball in Wii bowling is actually a privelege. If you are in the pro level on Wii bowling, then you will get the sparkles. If your pro level goes under the pro limit, then the sparkles go away. In other words, you have to earn the sparkle ball.

How does the Wii bowling score system work?

The same as regular bowling, spares give you 10 points, strikes give you 20 points, and for your Mii pro status evertime you beat your own high score your almost guaranteed to get at least 100 skill points.

What do you get when you become a pro in Wii tennis?

nothing, i think you just get to say, hey, imma pro! but in wii bowling you get a sparkle ball and in wii boxing, a new glove......ect.

What happens when you become a pro in wii bowling?

You rbowling ball gets a dimond patteren

On Wii Sports Bowling how do you get always strike?

you keep laying until you get a 1000 skill point then you are pro and you get a new shinny bowling bowl but if you do less than your high score (150 pts) you'll loose some skill points and sometimes taking you the (pro) thing out but you can gett it back

How do you be a pro at boxing on Wii sports?

You have to knock out your opponent fast enough to get skill points, when you get 1000 you become a pro. even if you win, you may lose skill points

What are skill points in Wii sports?

Basicly Skill Points are how good you are in a Sport. If you Manage to get 1,000 Skill Points you reach PRO ranking

When did Brunswick Pro Bowling happen?

Brunswick Pro Bowling happened in 2007.

How man points you need till you can be a pro on tabble tennis on wii sports resort?


What happens when you are a pro on wii tennis?

They send you a note and in tennis you could play with more people, in boxing you could get silver or gold boxing gloves , and in bowling you get more decorative ball that's what you get when you are pro in wii sports!!!!!!!