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You enter the hideout after you beat them at Mt. Pyre, which is on route 122. The leader, Archie says "......., or will you follow us back to our hideout in Lilycove city?" and makes off with the red orb. You take the blue orb and go after him. The hideout is on the east of Lilycove, all the way to the water. There should be a team Aqua grunt with 3 wailmer. Go north of them and you'll see an opening to a cove to the east. Let me tell you that getting past all the grunts was really easy if your Pokemon are strong, (not one of my Pokemon fainted) but there are a lot of grunts with Pokemon around lv 31,32, and not really 33. I had to bring a few potions with me to restore my Pokemon's health. After you beat the admin at the end make your way to Mossdeep City and beat Tate and Liza.

Hope this helped!

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Q: How can i enter at the hideout of team aqua in Pokemon sapphire?
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