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You cannot play it on the same Xbox 360. You need to play it thorough Xbox Live on separate systems.

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By linking up at least 2 Xbox 360 consoles and selecting the "system link" lobbey.

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13y ago

By playing forge or custom games but you can't play 3 with campaign. Sucks that you can't :(

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Q: How can two people play halo wars on the same xbox 360?
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In halo wars no you can not play as the rebel army.

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No. Halo ODST is a special variant of Halo Wars that contains 5 new unit types that will help you beat the game faster. Additionally, ODST is able to play online via Xbox Live with Halo Wars, so you can trounce people online using the new ODST units.

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I know three people who do. Cressy, Micheal and You.

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You do NOT need Xbox live to play Halo Wars. Xbox live is only used if you want to play with other people and to update the game.

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You can't. The Mythic Maps our only playable on Halo 3, not Halo Wars.

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It depends on the game

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HALO for sure if you like star wars over HALO you are wierd

Is halo wars before halo 3?

The halo time line goes Halo Wars, Halo: Reach, Halo:CE (halo 1), Halo 2, Halo: ODST, Halo 3. Halo 3 and ODST are practically at the same time.

Is halo wars multiplayer?

Yes, Halo Wars is a Xbox Live game, therefore you can play online against other players.

How do you obtain the scarab as a vehicle on a Halo 3 multiplayer map?

you dont ever play as a scarab in Halo play as a scarab in Halo wars.