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Wattson is easy as long as you have a ground type Pokemon like Marshtomp and use ground type moves like mud shot or have a grass type Pokemon like Grovyle or Breloom.
If it is Rival's Grovyle, evolve your starter a lot.
They are treecko, mudkip and torchic.evolution: treecko, grovyle and sceptiletorchic, combusken and blazikenmudkip, marshtomp and swampert.hope this helped!
teach it ice or poison attacks
my marshtomp beat the elite 4 on its own at level 60! and it had hyper beam surf waterfall and muddy water
Keep using Marshtomp's Mud Shot, it will lower their speed, and then you should use Water Gun.
treecko: grovyle sceptile, torchic: combusken blaziken, mudkip: marshtomp swampert just get one starter in the beginning of the game trade with friends
The starter Pokemon for Emerald are Torchic, Mudkip, and Treecko. Their second stages are Combusken, Marshtomp, and Grovyle. Their final evolutions are Blaziken, Swampert, and Sceptile.
Torchic ---- fire type. Evolves into Combusken and then Blaziken. Treecko ---- grass type. Evoles into Grovyle and then Sceptile. Mudkip ---- water type. Evoles into Marshtomp and then Swampert.
Treecko evolves into Grovyle at level 16. Then, it evolves into Sceptile at level 36. Same goes for Torchic - Combusken - Blaziken and Mudkip - Marshtomp - Swampert.
In Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire: - If player choose Torchic: Swellow, Shroomish, Numel, Marshtomp. - If player choose Treecko: Swellow, Wailmer, Shroomish, Combusken. - If player choose Mudkip: Swellow, Numel, Wailmer, Grovyle. In Pokemon Emerald: - If player choose Torchic: Tropius, Ludicolo, Slugma, Marshtomp. - If player choose Treecko: Tropius, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Combusken. - If player choose Mudkip: Tropius, Pelipper, Slugma, Grovyle. In the anime: Swampert, Shiftry, Aggron, Rhyperior.
You don't. You need a strong water type or a strong flying type to beat it, a ground attack will do well too.