I don't think you can get sonic unleashed for free,unless a close friend gives it to you after beating it.
from playdownstation.com
www.sonicroms.net has any Sonic soundtrack you want. :)
Sonic Unleashed is 7+
Sonic Unleashed happened in 360.
There is no such thing, wherever you got that info from is a liar. The "blitz" part is probably a fan game but not very likely. there is a ENGINE called sonic blitz unleashed but it not a game but its free and you can get it on you-tube just type in sonic blitz 3d unleashed.
Sonic will transform into a werehog during the night in sonic unleashed.
Sonic and the black knight that game is so much cooler than Sonic Unleashed. I mean is Knuckles in Sonic Unleashed? No. Is Shadow in Sonic Unleashed?No. Plus there playable too on Sonic and the black knight.And is Sonic Unleashed multiplayer?.N-O. But Sonic and the black Knight.
They include Sonic Free Riders, Sonic Generations, Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic World Adventure.
Yes, there are Sonic games after Sonic Unleashed. At the time of writing, the latest will be Sonic Generations.
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