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Q: How colud you pss the mission Cesar alepando of gta sandreas?
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If he colud go any where he wolud go to NarniaOr he wolud go in harrys brain

How do you spell mall in french?

Colud be galerie marchande in town, centre commercial in the suburubs and rue pietonne in the streets.

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Becuase the king of England ask the british to and so he colud get more money.

What happens to you when you commit perjury?

it depents on how old you are you could be kicked out of the school you colud go to jail you could be murdered! ( not really lol )

You like this boy but you've been friends for a very long time you want to go out with him How should you ask him out?

you colud tell him you have something to tell him but you dont want to lose your friendship and the po the question!!! hope this works! go for it! you colud tell him you have something to tell him but you dont want to lose your friendship and the po the question!!! hope this works! go for it!

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IT COLUD BE A RELAY BOX multi function switch( turn signal, lites ect.)

Why speedometer is not working?

Depending on the vehicle type it colud be either a broken gear in the transmission, a broken cable or if the vehicle has an eletrical speddometer circiut it could have a bad connection.