You go to the place where the Statue of Liberty was built and you go right to the left
and you jump on that small house or something then once your on top of that house thing jump again and then know where it is don't ya.
Go to the place with the big statue of liberty. Go to the highest point and go to the most left you can on the board. Jump off as high to the left as you can. You can see the notebook, but it might take a few tries to reach it.
"Leos veo mañana" mean "I see Leos tomorrow" in Spanish.
The plural for Leo is Leos.
Leos Mares is 175 cm.
Leos Carax is 5' 6".
Get the glider he gives you after you give Leo his notebook and glide to where those wooden bridges and stuff are with that man standing there. You'll see a medal there and pick it up. You need the glider to do this!
Leos Carax's birth name is Alexandre Oscar Dupont.
It is where they are making the statue of liberty in France.Go all the way on your left.Until you see red building right next to a man walking around.Jump as high as you can.You'll see a book.Then go on top of liberty's head.Then jump on top of the construction and keep jumping as high as you can.Then jump off of it from your left and you'll land where the notebook is.
leo case brace adem leos mom and leos stepdad and the teachers
That's easy. Leos are naturally beautiful people. Leos and Geminis are good friends, but horrible lovers. Leo likes everything that makes them handsome or appear handsome. Leos are represented by the lion, something that prowls around for the next prey. But Leos are very much into themselves, and the duality of Gemini will have the Leo falling asleep with Jessica Simpson and waking up with Lizzie Borden.
Seek attention.