

Best Answer

What you do is search Spore Bot parts download on Google and find the site with Dr. Pepper (or just search spore bot parts dr. pepper download). Once there, the link to spore patch 1.06. Follow the steps on the page. Open your hard drive and poen progammed files. Then go to Electronic Arts, then Spore, then Data. Then, drag the file you just downloaded and drag it into data. Once dragged in, open spore and whalla!

Hope it works.

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Q: How do i start using the Robot Parts in Spore I downloaded them and my spore page on the website says i have them but i can't use them does anyone know why?
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no a robot is not alive it does not breath or eat and its parts are made up of electric parts not livingorgans

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See the related link below. It is a website listing links to dozens of robot parts suppliers of all kinds!

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