You must have The Sims 2 Seasons installed along with your original The Sims 2 game in order for this to work. Your Sims will become plant people if you own a garden and they get the "green thumb" meaning they spend a LOT of time gardening and are very good at it. Then you have to buy a potion from the gardening club to turn back into a normal Sim. You have to have a garden and use a lot of bug spray on it. Just keep using the pesticides on your garden or fruit trees and eventually your sim will become a plant sim
You have to have Nightlife, and even then, your sim must be bitten by a vampire for your sim to become one.
There are two ways to become a Plant sim on the Sims 2:1.Buy a bunch of trees then spray them. It is Entirely random if you become a plant sim or not whenever you spray a tree.2.Through cheats. Not absolutely sure how. Maybe it works with boolprop testingcheatsenabled true...
the difference between the sims version 2 and 3 and how does a sim become a vampire in nightlife is sims 2 and sims 3 don t have the pack of change to a vampire in nightlife it have all kinds of clothes and characters
1.You need to have sims 2 university. 2.You have to get a cow plant. 3.Then u get ur sim to be eaten by the cow plant. (I don't know how because I don't have it. :D) 4.Then like you have your other sim to be friendly wth the cow and drink the sim's (that the cow eaten) essence. (i didnt know what that means) ur welcome!
They can only have mermaid costumes. They don't look that real you can see their feet. If you want your Sim to be a mermaid, buy the Sims 2 of download a mermaid Sim from the Internet.
Make a garden.You must garden until you max out your garden skill.When you reach level 10 garden skill your sim will turn into a plant sim.If you want to cure it, have someone call the garden club.When the garden club member arrives, have the plant sim greet her.Click on her and click buy potion, and it'll say Plantitonic C or something that sounds like plant. xDIt will appear in the plant sim's inventory.go to the plant sim's inventory.Click on the potion.Click drink.Your sim will drink it.Boom! no more plant sim!Plant sims can interact, and even have plant babies! but i do not know about that.Happy simming!!~RachelP.S. You must have The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack for this to happen.
Yes you can make yourself a sim in the sims 2.
You must have The Sims 2 Seasons. In the neihboorhood, hit CTRL+SHIFT+C , type boolprop testingcheatsenabled true ,or boolprop testingcheatsenabled on , they both do the same thing. Go to the house of your victem, shift+click on any tree and chosse INFECT, have your sims spray for hours and evenchly, they'll become plant sims.
there is my sims kingdom, My sims, Sims party, sims 3, sims 2 castaway, sim animals, sim 2 pets, sim animals africa and that is all i could find
You can get your sim pregnant in Sims 2 Apartment Life and Sims 2 Double Deluxe.
need to have sims 2 seasons first, then get loads of orchid trees and plant them around, then type in 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' (without the marks0 into the cheat box (ctrl shift c) then hold shift onto the tree and click 'Debug infest with bugs' then make your sims spray them do this as mant times you need to until your sims go up into a ball af green smoke they are then plant sims. :) this does work people I've tried it and now I have lots of plant sims (mwhahahahaha(evil laugh)) Its not loads of trees, its only 10 ! ! ! !