fallout 1 doesnt, since the game ends fallout 2 does
No, When you complete both Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas you are not able to free roam the wasteland.
They most likely will, though Obsidian is making Fallout: New Vegas (which is not Fallout 4, it's just another game in the Fallout world)
After new Vegas will be 5 more fallout 4 fallout arctic meltdown fallout raider version fallout pre war edition and fallout final
Fallout 4 has already started pre production!
I recommend Fallout 4
No, Waldo cannot speedrun Fallout 4 or any other game for that matter.
Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics have an isometric viewpoint, Fallout 3 and 4 are first-person.
Fallout 4 is the latest game in the Fallout series.It was released in November 2015.The game is widely available to buy in stores or download on line.
Fallout 4 is a role playing game. Fallout 4 was released on Steam Client in the UK on the 10th November 2015 and is available to buy in all the usual game outlets.
The title Fallout 4 hasn't been announced so it could be anywhere in the United States. But if your referring Fallout 4 to New Vegas (comon mistake) it as the title explains in Las Vegas.
4.fallout 1fallout 2fallout 3fallout 3 new vegas