On HALO DEMO when you are playing CTF you press T to --talk to everyone-- and Y to talk to your --teammates only--.
But when you're playing Slayer T and Y just become --Talk to everyone--.
There will not be another Halo game after Reach.
yes there is, you use B for team chat, and I think Enter for global chat
yes halo reach
nowhere there are not cheats for halo reach except Easter eggs and glitches
Actually Halo 4 is the next game.
In halo reach,You can not use cheat codes.nor in any halo game
Reach is the planet that the game is based on.
After halo reach there will no more halo games.
Halo reach is a very complicated game so there is no possible answer to this.
halo reach is going to be a little like real life.although halo reach will not be based on the halo book "the fall of reach".the game play in this game is awesome with more weapon and more power ups.also those who say yes it is based on the book,no.
Halo Reach is the most selling game for halo.