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in downtown by the police station (across the street, actually) there is the fire department. if you go towards it, you will see a fence (indestructable; dont try crashing a car through it) and keep following the fence away from the police station (towards Ammunation store) and you should see an opening in the fence. walk in and go to the fire truck and press the button to enter it( i have gta vice city for pc, so you would press "enter"; i know for ps2, you would press the triangle; i dont know about xbox; either "x" or "y").

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15y ago
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13y ago

It usually works if you go to your safehouse,(broker) shoot people until you get a star (wanted lvl.) the go to top of stairs and when police come in, shoot them. (works best with powerful gun, I used RPG-7, MP5, and grenades. You could use stuff like molitove cocktails to set them on fire... So, when you rune low on health, all you have to do is walk into your apartment and sleep on the bed, when you wake up, there is lots of guns and ammo. on the ground. If you did this for long enough, most of the time, there will be a police truck out there with like 10 police cruisers. If you want more stuff and tips like, how to get the Annihalator police helecopter (loaded with machine guns) and the FBI buffalo, stuff like that (and free guns.....) email me at: and you can get plenty of tips pointers and cheats.

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11y ago

call 911 on the phone i now it and i are 10 year

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13y ago
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12y ago

no finish no grand theft auto game play thanxxzzz

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12y ago

any where----if you have a map for the game(it brings it with the game) it tells you where

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Q: How do you finish the fire truck mission on vice city?
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Lego truck kits can be purchased at a large variety of toy stores. Target, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, and Amazon all carry truck kits by Lego. Available kits include fire truck, city flatbed truck, city loader, and city garbage truck.

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Yes fire truck is red.

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Stanford Fire Truck House was created in 1904.

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