you cant enless you trade
where you find dilga or plkia
After beting cyris go to sper piller to cach dilga and palga but befor you get dilga and palga gartina will a pear to battle you . by john o. By the way i need acion reyplay if you have it can i use it ,to contact e-mail me at
You can't get it on pearl but you can get it in HGSS and diamond. For diamond, top of mt. cornett, for HGSS you have to have and arceus
theres no action replay code for dilga in any Pokemon game
First you get Dialga/Palkia at the top of mount Coronet.Heatran you go to Spark moutain and face Heatran National pokedex.Regigigas is a event.
you have to get the azura flute which is also merged with deoxes and go to where you catch dilga or palkia and play the azure flute and a site of stairs will show up up you go, remember to save before you try to catch arcuse, and theres arcuse
Infernnape, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dialga, Staraptor. if you started with chimchar. Empoleon, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dialga, Staraptor. if you started with piplup. Torterra, Garchomp, Medicham, Abomasnow, Dilga, staraptor. if you started with Turtwig
Okay, that's pretty easy because visited there. And in diamond and Pearl there the same game, but just different pokemon. It's in the Mt. Coronent. It's where you catch Dialga iin diamond, and Palkia in Pearl. You can also catch Arcus, and last legendary pokemon. Not to be mean, but are you stupid?yes i am stupid loloopllilly:Do not read!All he tells you is about dilga
You have to have Pokemon Diamond or Platinum. If you have Diamond then once you're at Spear Pillar beat the trainers and Dialga is there. If you have Platinum then get the National Dex, talk to Cynthia's grandma, and find the Adamant Orb inside Mountain Coronet. Once you've done all that then return to Spear Pillar and a blue portal will be there interact with it to battle Dialga. *WARNING* Dialga is level 70 so be prepared I wouldn't battle it till my pokemon were at least level 65.
duh.. you have to catch the lake Pokemon and dilga and pilka and garaitina and moltrays,zapodos,acroono and corsella beat the elite and Cynthia then go to the 2 gym leader and she will say...I thoght I saw a shiny wumpal in the forest honted house at the door!you go there the wurmpal is level 40 catch it with a quick ball at the start. there you happy now?
Christians believe in the one God of Abraham, also revered by Judaism and Islam. The Hebrew tradition represented the name of this god with the tetragram (transliterated from hebrew): YHWH. They further believe that this same deity revealed Himself via incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ, whose name means (roughly translated from several derivations): the annointed savior. The vast majority of Christians also believe in the triune nature of god, meaning that the one God comprises three persona: The Creator, The Sustainer, and The Redeemer traditionally referred to as: the father, the son and the holy ghost. These three persona are collectively called The Holy Trinity.I assume you mean the Christian God?His name is Elohim (a plural form of El) suggesting what is later revealed that He is a Tri-unity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.His name is Jehovah (Yahweh) - the Covenant Keeping GodHis name is El Shaddah - the All Sufficient GodHe is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.He wants you to be in Heaven with Him for He loves you. He gave His Son to die for you. If you have an interesting in him read The Bible - especially John's Gospel.Check out this website www.gospeltruthforyou.comHe has many other Names - but I love Him for He first loved me and He saved me from my sins and made me fit for heaven.Please seek Him - nothing else in the world matters so much.God blessAndrew