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Christians believe in the one God of Abraham, also revered by Judaism and Islam. The Hebrew tradition represented the name of this god with the tetragram (transliterated from hebrew): YHWH. They further believe that this same deity revealed Himself via incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ, whose name means (roughly translated from several derivations): the annointed savior. The vast majority of Christians also believe in the triune nature of god, meaning that the one God comprises three persona: The Creator, The Sustainer, and The Redeemer traditionally referred to as: the father, the son and the holy ghost. These three persona are collectively called The Holy Trinity.

I assume you mean the Christian God?

His name is Elohim (a plural form of El) suggesting what is later revealed that He is a Tri-unity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

His name is Jehovah (Yahweh) - the Covenant Keeping God

His name is El Shaddah - the All Sufficient God

He is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He wants you to be in Heaven with Him for He loves you. He gave His Son to die for you. If you have an interesting in him read The Bible - especially John's Gospel.

Check out this website

He has many other Names - but I love Him for He first loved me and He saved me from my sins and made me fit for heaven.

Please seek Him - nothing else in the world matters so much.

God bless


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Parker Braun

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2y ago
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11y ago

It would be helpful in answering such a question to specify a particular religion or religious tradition. In the ancient Greek religion, sons of gods were demi-gods. In Christianity, there is officially one son of God known as Jesus Christ, but then, it is also frequently said that we are all God's children. In the Japanese religion of Shintoism, the Emperor is the son of the sun god. There are other examples as well.

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Evgeniy Ivanchin

Lvl 1
2y ago
I, know.. it not writen, for the short, exemplars.. but, i hear.. that, my name there... ;)
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Viktor Frick

Lvl 1
2y ago
Der bisher einzige "Sohn Gottes" heißt Jesu (Mt.1,21). Es kommen jedoch noch mehrere (Röm.8,14;Gal.3,26).

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16y ago

Since the Christians initially had the Old Testament scriptures as their 'Bible' and frequently quoted from it in the New Testament, some of the names for God carry over into the New. Most frequently simply the term God is used. Jesus in referring to God calls Him Father. The New Testament in completion of the Old adds the revelation of Jesus Christ as being a name for God, as one of the divine persons in the trinity. The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost (KJV) is also God in the New Testament and fully equal as such with the other three persons.

Other uses are references to God as the 'God of our fathers..' see Acts 3:13 and 5:30 and the 'God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob..' see Acts 3:13 (these are common Old Testament usages) Acts 7:2 refers to Him as the 'God of glory.' In Luke 1:32, 35 and 76 He is referred to as 'the Highest.' Luke 1:68 terms Him 'the Lord God of Israel'.

'Lord', a frequently used Old Testament name for God is applied both to the Father in Luke 2:29 but most frequently by far it is applied to Jesus.

Light - ascribed both to the Father "God is light" and to Jesus "I am the light of the world"

Alpha and Omega, referring to God's timelessness is again ascribed to both Jesus and the Father.

Revelation 1:8 (King James Version)

8I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 1:11 (King James Version)

11Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto

Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

Revelation 1:17-18 (King James Version)

17And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

18I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Revelation 1:17 gives us another name for God, which is simultaneously an attribute - 'the Almighty'.

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14y ago
Old Testament names for GodGod is referred to by several names in the Old Testament.

The anonymous source now known as the Yahwist, referred to God as Yahweh (YHWH). This source represented the southern Hebrew kingdom of Judah in early times.

The anonymous source now known as the Elohist, usually referred to God as Elohim. This source represented the northern Hebrew kingdom of Israel in early times.

The Priestly source also used the name Elohim, as well as El Shaddai ("God Almighty").

Another early name used for God was Adonai ("Lord").

The name Yahweh is rarely used now, except in German translation, Jehovah, which is used in an English language context by some Christian denominations.

Arguably, El or Elohim, being Hebrew simply for 'God', and Adonai, being the Hebrew name for 'Lord',are the names we continue to use.

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14y ago

Creator Savior Merciful Redeemer Omnipotent

Supplier Friend Father Abba Omniscient

Eternal Jealous Great Loving Omnipresent

Graceful Patient Kind Rewarding Blessed

Charitable Caretaker Elohim Yahweh I Am

Powerful Timeless Caring Paternal Artistic

Bearer Calm Decisive Everlasting Forgiving

Good Healer Holy Inventor Just

King Lord Master Nonfallable Original

Permanent Quality Righteous Supreme Terrifying

Universal Vehement Wonderful

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9y ago

Some of the names that men have given to their Gods are; Zeus, Brahma, Jehovah, Allah and many more according to the various cultures of the world.

God's name It depends on your religion or what you believe in as a spiritual entity.

  • As far as the Bible is concerned, the only place God is recorded as giving his name is to Moses when asked who Moses was supposed to say sent him. The was to tell them that I Amsent you.
  • At the time that YHWH was in use, it was thought that to know the name of a god was to have power over the god. Therefore the Hebrew god's name could not be known as he was believed to be all powerful. Not having a name made it difficult to talk or write about so the characters of YHVH were used as a substitute for a name. The pronunciation of the letters of YHVH seems to be Jehova or Yaweh. As noted in other parts of this post, there are plenty of names used in other religions.
  • God's name is YHWH, which means breath, the breath of life
  • Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:"
  • God's name is simply "God" to many people.
  • Some may argue that it does not really matter whether you address Almighty God by a personal name or not, and they are content to speak of and address God as "Father" or simply as "God."
  • Some will point out that "Father" and "God" are titles rather than names and are neither personal nor distinctive. It is similar to how a child might call his mother "mom" even though that is not her name.
  • Muslims call Him "Allah," which is simply the Arabic word for "God." According to Islamic tradition, there are 99 names of God set forth in the Q'uran, such as "Ar-Rahim" ("the most merciful"), "Al-Majid" ("the magnificent one" and "Al-Badi" ("the incomparable")
  • Elohim: Some call God "Elohim."Others say that in Biblical times the the word for God ('Elo?him', Hebrew) was used to describe any god, even the pagan Philistine god named Dagon. (Judges 16:23, 24) So for a Hebrew to tell a Philistine that he, the Hebrew, worshiped "God" would not have identified the true God whom he worshipped.
  • Jehovah or Yahweh: Some Christians call Him "Jehovah" or "Yahweh."
  • This is an anglicized pronunciation of the Hebrew tetragrammaton, YHWH, which are the four consonant letters used to spell God's name in the Old Testament (Exodus 3:14). The Hebrews considered the name of God too holy to pronounce and substituted the word "Lord" (adonai) when the text was read. The vowels of the word "adonai" was combined with YHWH to get the word "Jehovah" which was first used in the 12th century. A more accurate pronunciation of YHWH would be "Yahweh." However, the exact and proper pronunciation has been lost. Of interest is a comment in The Imperial Bible-Dictionary of 1874: "[Jehovah] is everywhere a proper name, denoting the personal God and him only; whereas Elohim partakes more of the character of a common noun, denoting usually, indeed, but not necessarily nor uniformly, the Supreme. . . . The Hebrew may say the Elohim, the true God, in opposition to all false gods; but he never says the Jehovah, for Jehovah is the name of the true God only. He says again and again my God . . . ; but never my Jehovah, for when he says my God, he means Jehovah. He speaks of the God of Israel, but never of the Jehovah of Israel, for there is no other Jehovah. He speaks of the living God, but never of the living Jehovah, for he cannot conceive of Jehovah as other than living." The Father: Some Christians prefer to use "The Father." Some will say the name of Jesus is Jehovah and that he was sent and directed by "God The Father." The Deus: Some followers of unorganized religious philosophies, such as pantheism, pandeism, deism, or omnitheism (but particularly among deists and pandeists) use the phrase "the Deus," which is Latin for God, to distinguish their ideas of God from references in religious texts, which followers of these philosophies tend to reject
  • Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
  • "....Because the name was no longer pronounced and the vowels were not written, the exact pronunciation was forgotten. When Christians, unaware of the Jewish tradition, started to read the Hebrew Bible, they read יְהֹוָה with the Masoretic vowels together with the consonants as written, and obtained Iehovah. Today this transcription is generally recognized as mistaken
  • El is one of the names of God in Judaism.
  • God's name is whatever those who love him want to call him. Just so long as they want to know God it doesn't matter what name they use. Some people may get all high and mighty about it and preach as if what they say is the absolute and final truth. That says to me that they aren't true followers of God and his love because that kind of behavior is just offensive, and mean spirited. Just because you declaim that Gods name is YHWH and that anyone who doesn't know that or believe that doesn't actually know God, it doesn't make you right. Your not God, your word isn't truth. I don't know the true name of God, there might not be anybody who actually knows the true name of God and that's alright. God loves everyone, regardless of if they "know" his name or not. Chill out and love others as God loves you.
  • A name is simply how people identify or talk about a thing/being/object/idea, and because of the many different languages on the planet, God can be named anything at all, giving a special meaning to the namer. The name "God" is the most common English name. But "god" is a term for just a normal deity. The capitalization of the g serves the purpose to show that he is THE god.
  • Exodus 34:14 says "For you must not prostrate yourself to another god, because Jehovah , whose name is Jealous, he is a jealous God."
  • Exodus 35:4,5 mentions Jehovah god.
  • It depends on which God you wish to call upon, but the name of our one true Creator is EHYEH (I am ). Exodus 3:13-15, He makes this known stating EHYEH ASHER EHYEH (I am that I am) and that EHYEH is His name forever.
  • At John 17:26, Jesus said in prayer to God; "...I have made your name known to them (the apostles and disciples) and will make it known,...". Since Jesus was not praying to himself but to God, his Father in heaven, he didn't mean his own name. Psalm 83:18 reads; "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." The spelling and pronunciation of that name has been consistent in english speaking countries for at least 500 years (King James Version Bible published 1611).

See the Related Links for "Shaddai" to the left for the . A partial list: Akamba mythology Asa Akan mythology Brekyirihunuade Kwaku Ananse Ashanti mythology Anansi Asase Ya Bia Nyame Australian Aboriginal mythology Altjira Baiame Bamapana Banaitja Bobbi-bobbi Bunjil Daramulum Dilga Djanggawul Eingana Galeru Gnowee Kidili Kunapipi Julunggul Mangar-kunjer-kunja Numakulla Pundjel Ulanji Walo Wawalag Wuriupranili Yurlungur Aztec mythology (see much longer list at Aztec mythology) Chalchiuhtlicue - goddess of lakes and streams Cinteotl - god of maize Coyolxauhqui - goddess of the moon Ehecatl - the god of the wind Huehueteotl - an ancient god of the hearth, the fire of life Huitzilopochtli - god of the sun, fire, and war Ilamatecuhtli- goddess of the earth, death, and the milky way. Itztlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli - god of hard stone Mayahuel - goddess of maguey Mictlantecuhtli - god of death Ometeotl - god/goddess of heaven Quetzalcoatl - god of the breath of life Tepeyollotl - god of earthquakes Tezcatlipoca - god of discord Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli - god of dawn Tlaloc - god of rain and lightning Toci - goddess of earth Tonacatecuhtli - god of food Xipe Totec - god of spring Xochipilli - flower god Xochiquetzal - love goddess Bahá'í Faith The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion contending that various figures from other prominent religions - for example, Moses (Judaism), Jesus (Christianity), Muhammad (Islam), Zoroaster (Zoroastrianism), and Krishna (Hinduism) were all messengers of the one God. Bushongo mythology Bomazi Bumba Celtic mythology See much more complete list at Celtic mythology. Belenus Bran Brigit Ceridwen Cernunos Dagda Danu Epona Glanis Gwydion Lugh Lyr Manannan mac Lir Morrigan Nemain Nuadha Ogma Chinese mythology Chang'e Chi You Dragon Kings Eight Immortals Erlang Shen Four Heavenly Kings Fei Lian Fu Hsi God of North Gong Gong Great Yu Guanyin Guan Di Guan Gong Guan Yu Hotei Huang Di Jade Emperor Kua Fu Kuan Yin Lei Gong Long Mu Three Pure Ones Matsu Meng Po Nezha Nüwa Pangu Qi Yu Shang Ti Shennong Shing Wong Sun Wukong Wong Tai Sin Xi Wangmu Yan Luo Yuk Wong Yi the Archer Zao Jun Chippewa mythology Nanabozho Sint Holo Wemicus Christian mythology See Abrahamic religions Creek mythology Hisagita-imisi Dacian mythology Zamolxis Gebeleizis Bendis Dahomey mythology Agé Ayaba Da Gbadu Gleti Gu Lisa Loko Mawu Sakpata Sogbo Xevioso Zinsi Zinsu Dinka mythology Abuk Denka Juok Nyalitch Efik mythology Abassi Atai Egyptian mythology Egyptian deities are often portrayed as having animal heads in art; as an example, Anubis is often portrayed in statuary as having the body of a human, but the head of a canine. Many gods were portrayed with different animal heads, depending upon the situation. The Egyptians did not actually believe that their gods had animal heads; rather, they portrayed them that way as artistic symbolism. This may have been for the benefit of the illiterate. Anubis, God of Embalming, Friend of the Dead The Aten, the embodiment of the Sun's rays Apep, Serpent of the Underworld, enemy of Ra Atum, a creator deity Bast, Goddess of Cats Bes, God-Demon of Protection, Childbirth and Entertainment Geb, God of the Earth Hapi, one of the four sons of Horus Hapy God of the Nile and Fertility Hathor, Goddess of Love and Music Heget Goddess of Childbirth Horus the falcon-headed god Imhotep God of wisdom, medicine and magic Isis, Goddess of Magic, sister of Nephthys Khepry, the scarab beetle, the embodiment of the dawn Khnum, a creator deity Maahes Ma'at, Goddess of Truth, Balance and Order Menhit, Goddess of war Mont, God of War Naunet, the primal waters Neith, the great mother goddess Nephthys, mother of Anubis Nut, goddess of heaven and the sky Osiris, god of the underworld, fertility and agricultural Ptah, a creator deity Ra, the sun, possible father of Anubis Sekhmnet, goddess of war and battles Sobek, Crocodile God Set, God of Storms, possible father of Anubis Tefnut, goddess of order, justice, time, Heaven and Hell and weather Thoth, god of the moon, drawing, writing, geometry, wisdom, medicine, music, astronomy, and magic Wepwawet See for the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism's extensive information on Egyptian Deities. Estonian mythology Peko, god of fertility, crops and brewing Pikne (the long one), god of thunder Tharapita, god of war Vanemuine (the ancient one), god of music (possibly fake tradition) Etruscan mythology Alpan Aplu Menrva Nethuns Tinia Turan (goddess) Uni Voltumna Old Finnish deities There are very few written documents about old Finnish religions; also the names of deities and practices of worship changed from place to place. The following is a summary of the most important and most widely worshipped deities. Ukko, god of heaven and thunder Rauni, Ukko's wife, goddess of fertility Tapio, god of forest and wild animals Mielikki, Tapio's wife Pekko (or Peko), god or goddess (the actual gender is obscure) of fields and agriculture Ahti, (or Ahto) god of streams, lakes and sea Otso, son of a god, king of the forest whose carnal form is the bear Tuoni, goddess of the underworld Perkele, a god of the Lithuanians, drafted to do duty as "the devil" Jumala, a physical idol, later the name of the christian god Ancient Greek mythology Aphrodite - goddess of beauty, one of the twelve Olympians Apollo - god of poetry, music, the sun, an Olympian Ares - god of war, an Olympian Artemis - goddess of the hunt, an Olympian Athena - goddess of wisdom, defensive war, Athens, an Olympian Cronus - father of the first six Olympians, a Titan Demeter - goddess of the harvest, nature, often considered an Olympian Dionysus - god of wine, took Hestia's place as an Olympian Eris - goddess of discord Eos - goddess of the dawn Gaia - primordial goddess of earth, mother of the Titans Hades - god of the underworld, often considered an Olympian Hebe - wife of Hercules Hecate - goddess of witchcraft, crossroads Helios - god who drives of the sun Hephaestus - god of smiths, an Olympian Hera - chief goddess, goddess of marriage, an Olympian Hermes - messenger of the gods, an Olympian Hestia - goddess of the hearth, gave up seat at Olympus to Dionysus Pan - god of shepherds Persephone - daughter of Demeter, queen of the dead Poseidon - god of the sea, an Olympian Rhea - mother of the first six Olympians, a Titan Selene - goddess who drives the moon Uranus - primordial god of the heavens, father of the Titans Zeus - god of sky and air, chief Olympian See also Demigods, the Dryads, the Fates, the Erinyes, the Graces, the Horae, the Muses, the Nymphs, the Pleiades, the Titans Guarani mythology Abaangui Jurupari Tupa Haida mythology Gyhldeptis Lagua Nankil'slas Sin Ta'axet Tia Hinduism Brahman, the one and only (formless) supreme God Saguna Brahman, or God with attributes, symbolized as The Ishvars (known collectively as the Trimurti): Brahmâ, the creator Vishnu, the sustainer Shiva, the destroyer The Adityas Indra - god of weather and war Mitra - god of honesty, friendship and contracts Ravi, Surya - the Sun gods Varuna - god of the oceans and rivers Yama - god of death Some of the most important Devas: Agni - god of fire The Asura The Aswini - gods of sunrise and sunset Dyaus-pitar - ('Heaven-father') cognate of the Roman god Jupiter Ganesh - god of wisdom, intelligence, education and prudence Hanuman Kali, the fearsome dark goddess Krishna - eighth avatar of Vishnu Lakshmi - goddess of fortune, luck, beauty and fertility Parjanya Parvati or Parvathi, wife of Shiva Prithivi mata - the Earth goddess Purusha - the Cosmic-Man The Rudras - the storm deities Saraswati - goddess of intelligence, consciousness and cosmic knowledge Soma - the lunar deity Ushas Vasus, the Vayu - god of wind The Visvedevas Ho-Chunk mythology Kokopelli Hopi mythology Aholi Angwusnasomtaka Kokopelli Koyangwuti Muyingwa Taiowa Toho See also kachina Huron mythology Iosheka Airesekui Heng Ibo mythology Aha Njoku Ala Chuku Incan mythology Inti/Punchau Kon Mama Cocha Mama Quilla Manco Capac Pacha Camac Viracocha Zaramama Inuit mythology Igaluk Nanook Nerrivik Pinga Sedna Torngasoak Iroquois mythology Adekagagwaa Gaol Gendenwitha Gohone Hahgwehdaetgan Hahgwehdiyu Onatha Islam See Abrahamic religions Isoko mythology Cghene Japanese mythology Aji-Suki-Taka-Hiko-Ne - god of thunder Amaterasu - sun goddess Amatsu Mikaboshi - god of evil Ama-no-Uzume - fertility goddess Chimata-No-Kami - god of crossroads, highways and footpaths Ho-Masubi - god of fire Inari (mythology) - god of rice Izanagi - creator god Izanami - creator goddess Kagu-tsuchi - god of fire Kura-Okami - god of rain Nai-No-Kami - god of earthquakes O-Kuni-Nushi - god of sorcery and medicine O-Wata-Tsu-Mi - god of the sea Sengen-Sama - goddess of the Mt. Fujiyama Seven Gods of Fortune Benzai-ten or Benten - goddess of money, eloquent persuasion, and knowledge Bishamon-ten - god of happiness and war Daikoku-ten Fukurokuju Hotei-osho Jurojin Yebisu or Ebisu Shina-Tsu-Hiko - god of wind Shina-To-Be - goddess of wind Sojobo - king of the tengu Susa-no-Wo - god of storms and thunder, snakes and farming. Taka-Okami - god of rain Take-Mikazuchi - god of thunder Tengu - minor trickster deities Tsuku-Yomi - god of the moon Uke-Mochi - goddess of food Wakahiru-Me - goddess of the dawn sun see also Kami Judaism See Abrahamic religions Khoikhoi mythology Gamab Heitsi-eibib Tsui'goab "Kitchen Gods" (Modern Western mythology) In addition to the gods listed elsewhere, there are several minor mythological beings spoken of in current Western culture that may be taken more or less seriously. These are commonly called Kitchen Gods. The Code Fairy - Eats semicolons from source code, causing working computer software to stop working The Grim Reaper - A common anthropomorphism of Death Eris, adopted deity of the elaborate Discordian mock religion. Father Time Gremlins - mythical beings that damage aircraft and cause other mechanical mayhem Hotei - A Laughing Buddha Invisible Pink Unicorn - From alt.atheism, a fictional deity said to be the bane of theists everywhere. J. R. "Bob" Dobbs from the Church of the SubGenius Lady Luck - Invoked by gamblers Mother Nature The Parking Fairy - Responsible for finding parking spaces Santa Claus - Originally Nicholas of Myra, but later turned into Father Christmas. The Tooth Fairy The Traffic Light Fairy - Changes the color of traffic lights !Kung mythology Prishiboro Mantis Kwakiutl mythology Kewkwaxa'we Lakota mythology Canopus Haokah Whope Wi Lotuko mythology Ajok Latvian mythology Allowat Sakima Auseklis Dekla Dievs Karta Kishelemukong Mara Perkons Saule Lugbara mythology Adroa Adroanzi Lusitani mythology Lusitanian (or Ancient Portuguese) Gods were later related with the Celtic and Roman invators. The Lusitani people adopted the Celt and Roman cults and influenced them with theirs. Many Lusitani gods were adopted by the Romans. Atégina Ares Lusitani Bandonga Bormanico Cariocecus Duberdicus Endovelicus Mars Cariocecus Nabia Nantosvelta Runesocesius Sucellus Tongoenabiagus Trebaruna Turiacus Maya mythology Ahaw Kin - Sun God Chac - Rain God Yum Kaax - Corn God Kukulcan - Feathered Serpent God Xbalanque - God of the Jaguar Hunah Ku - Creator God Xi Balba - God of the Death Ix Chel - Moon Goddess Itzamna - Reptile Creator God Bolon tza cab - Ruling God of All Balac - War God Bacabs - Gods of the 4 directions Balam - Protector God Mesopotamian mythology Anshar - father of heaven Anu - the god of the highest heaven Apsu - the ruler of gods and underworld oceans Ashur - national god of the Assyrians Damkina - Earth mother goddess Ea - god of wisdom Enlil - god of weather and storms Enurta - god of war Hadad - weather god Ishtar - goddess of love Kingu - husband of Tiamat Kishar - father of earth Marduk - national god of the Babylonians Mummu - god of mists Nabu - god of the scribal arts Nintu - mother of all gods Shamash - god of the sun and of justice Sin - moon god Tiamat - dragon goddess Navaho mythology Ahsonnutli Bikeh Hozho Estanatelhi Glispa Hasteoltoi Hastshehogan Tonenili Tsohanoai Yolkai Estasan Norse mythology Aegir (ON Ægir) Baldur (ON Baldr) Bragi Freyr Freya (ON Freyja) Frigg Heimdall (ON Heimdallr) Hel Hodur (ON Hǫðr) Idun (ON Iðunn) Loki Niord (ON Njǫrðr) Odin (ON Óðinn) Sif Thor (ON Þórr) Tyr (ON Týr) Vali (ON Váli) Pawnee mythology Pah Shakuru Tirawa Polynesian mythology Atea Ina Kane Milohai Maui Papa Pele Rangi Rongo see also Menehune Old Prussian / Baltic deities Bangputtis Melletele Occupirn Perkunatete Perkunos Pikullos Potrimpos Swaigstigr Pygmy mythology Arebati Khonvoum Tore Roman mythology Apollo - god of the sun, poetry, music Bacchus - god of wine (Greek Bacchus or Dionysus) Ceres - goddess of the harvest (Greek Demeter) Cupid - god of love (Greek Eros) Diana - goddess of the hunt (Greek Artemis) Janus - two-headed god of beginnings and endings Juno - chief goddess, marriage (Greek Hera) Jupiter - chief god, sky (Greek Zeus) Maia - the "good goddess", spring Mars - god of war (Greek Ares, but characterized more positively) Mercury - messenger of the gods (Greek Hermes) Minerva - goddess of wisdom, civilization (Greek Athena) Neptune - god of the sea (Greek Poseidon) Pluto - god of the underworld (Greek Hades) Plutus - god of wealth Proserpina - queen of the underworld (Greek Persephone) Saturn - father of Jupiter (Greek Cronus) Uranus - father of Saturn Venus - goddess of beauty (Greek Aphrodite) Vesta - goddess of the hearth (Greek Hestia) Vulcan - god of the forge (Greek Hephestus) Salish mythology Amotken Sardinian deities Sardinian deities, mainly referred to in the age of Nuragici people, are partly derived from Phoenician ones. Janas Goddesses of death Maymon God of Hades Panas Goddesses of reproduction (women dead in childbirth) Thanit Goddess of Earth and fertility Seneca mythology Eagentci Hagones Hawenniyo Kaakwha Slavic mythology Belobog Cislobog Crnobog Dajbog Horos Jaro Koledo Lada and Lado Perun Radagast Simargl Stribog Svarog Svetovid Triglav Veles Sumerian mythology An Enki Enlil Inanna Nammu Nanna Ninhursag Ninlil Sin Utu See also Annuna and Lilian tradition Thracian mythology Zibelthiurdos Tumbuka mythology Chiuta Ugarit mythology El, the father god and head Haddu, commonly titled Ba'l, a rain god and storm god. Dagon, god of earth Athirat, mother goddess 'Anat, war goddess 'Athtart, goddess of fertility Yaw, the god of the sea Mot, the god of death Note: Ugarit gives us our earliest and fullest snapshot of Canaanite religion and northwest Semitic religion. Yoruba mythology Aja Aje Egungun-oya Eshu Oba Obatala Odùduwà Oloddumare Olokun Olorun Orunmila Oshun Oshunmare Oya Shakpana Shango Yansan Yemaja Zulu mythology Mamlambo Mbaba Mwana Waresa uKqili Umvelinqangi Unkulunkulu Zuni mythology Achiyalatopa Apoyan Tachi Awitelin Tsta Awonawilona Kokopelli These are a small fraction of the world's 2500+ gods. (edit: Sorry, edited the format so it's difficult to read)

Gods name, as stated in the Bible, is Jehovah.

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6mo ago

In Christianity, the Sons of God usually refer to Jesus Christ. In Judaism, the term can refer to different entities depending on the context, sometimes referring to angels or righteous individuals.

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13y ago

If you look in the Jewish Torah it says his name is YHWH (Yahweh) is our creator's name.

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9y ago

The proper name of God is Yehowah, from the Hebrew letters YHWH.

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he had two sons i do not know their names but he also has a daughter

Why did they put Phobos and Deimos as moons on mars?

The moons of Mars were named Phobos and Deimos because they are the names of the sons of the Greek god Ares, whom the Romans called Mars. So Phobos and Deimos are the sons of Mars.

What are the names of Moses' sons?

Moses' sons were Gershom and Eliezer. (Exodus 18:2-4/1 Chronicles 23:14-15) In literal translation to English:Gershom = "foreigner there"Eliezer = "God is my strength"

What is the difference between the sound of God in the old testament and the sons of God in the New Testament?

The difference of the sons of god , in the two testaments are that in the old testament Jesus is the son of god. But in the New Testament we to can be the sons of god . If only we do believe that Jesus died for our sins.