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1. Aggressive ending- bust in>ram (hit R on your keyboard)> shield > tow cable> rock>bubble>diamond

2. Undetected ending- sneak in>teleporter>penny>wire>hammer>plank>diamond

3. Epic ending- sneak in>pick>plane>left>super mushroom>gear

4. Fail Champion- find all 40 fails

1. Bust in, wait 2. Kick (K) 3. Jump (spacebar) 4. Ram, wait 5. Lance 6. Mace 7. Shield, wait 8. Basket 9. Tow cable, wait 10. Branch 11. Rock, wait 12. Rock, sticky grenade 13. Rock, bubble, wait 14. Drive 15. Bribe 16. Sneak in, jumble hoppers 17. Anti-Gravity cap 18. Teleporter, tranquilizer 19. Falcon punch 20. Invisibility pill 21. Penny, drop 22. Portal gun 23. Wire, laser cutter 24. Hammer, cannon 25. Cheese 26. Plank, snap neck 27. Rifle 28. Jump 29. Sneak in, shrink ray 30. Liquidificator 31. Pick, wait 32. Bombshell 33. Gun 34. Plane, Up 35. Left, Metroid 36. Crowbar 37. Pokeball 38. Super mushroom, divided by zero 39. Nuke 40. Satellite

5. Failtastic- fail 55 times total.

6. Like a D6- sneak in, use jumble hoppers 3 times

7. Bunp- Sneak in, teleporter, penny, wire, hammer, plank, snap neck

8. 100010001000 (or something like that)- sneak in, pick, plane, left, pokeball, close 3 error messages

9. It's a joke guys- sneak in, liquidificator, click the word "mispelled" at the bottom

10. Obscure medal- click 7 different paintings

Bust in, ram, click painting on right, click two paintings that pass by (they go by fast, so you might have to retry a lot, however it's easier to use the tab and enter keys), shield, tow cable, click painting behind guards, branch

Sneak in, pick, click painting on left, plane, left, click painting on left, super mushroom, gear, click painting in the middle of the screen (quickly, but you can, as I stated before, use the tab and enter keys)

11. tl;dr- sneak in, teleporter, penny, portal gun, on the 10th line in the fail description it says "Oh by the way if you want a medal click here." Click the word "here."

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Q: How do you get all the medals in stealing the diamond?
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Well, it IS stealing, so yes.

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Australian shooter Michael Diamond has won 2 medals, both gold, winning the men's trap shooting event at the 1996 Games in Atlanta and the 2000 Games in Sydney.

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All the medals will be lit up and you will wait until they add more medals.

How will you click all paintings in stealing the diamond?

you click them with your mouse. If the paintings that zoom by and the painting during the robot scene are to hard to get, hit tab on your keyboard and then hit enter when they appear.

Is there a cheat for sonic unleashed where you can have all the sun and moon medals on xbox 360?

Probably not. There are four achievements for collecting half the moon medals, half the sun medals, all of the moon medals and all of the sun medals, so they probably expect you to make an effort with searching for them all.

How do you get the D6 award on stealing the diamond?

You press "sneak in" then you press the "jumble hoppers" three times. did that help you?

How many medals has Megan DUNN won?

15 medals she has won(not this is all the medals she won in her life)

What is the possessive form medals?

The possessive form of the plural noun medals is medals'.example: All of the medals' inscriptions tell the year that it was awarded.

Where can you catch gangar in Pokemon Diamond?

gengar cannot be caught in diamond or any other game it can only be obtained via trade or action replay code for stealing pokemon.