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The toy truck has only two uses. The first is to provide a battery for the TV remote. Get the screwdriver from the kitchen drawer to open the compartment and remove the battery. Later you will put it back in.

The second role of the truck is to take you from the apartment to the school. Once you have received the two Morse Code messages from CJ, push the book (Tess's Tree) from the top of the bookcase, and drive the truck up the ramp that it makes on the stack of books.

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13y ago
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13y ago

If you aren't shrunk then you can just go out the door, but if you are shrunk, there is no possible way to be outside the house on Shrink Ray island without completing the entire island. You can leave the island by the blimp in CJ's room, but when you enter Shrink Ray island it will be through that blimp.

You can't just leave the house, you have to do everything in the island. You can look up how to do everything on YouTube or poptropica cheats.

But how you eventually end up leaving the house, is putting the batteries in the toy truck and crashing through the window in CJ's bedroom.

There will be books by the shelf blocking you from driving out the window, so you will have to get out of the truck, climb to the top of the shelf and knock over the Tess's tree book. Then you will use it as a ramp and fly out the window. The window is closed, so you will crash through the window.

You have to do the complete everything before you do though, because your character will say they need a good reason to crash through the window.
you take the toy truck and drive it up the book ramp in CJs room then you will fly through the window.

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13y ago

Once you have received the second Morse Code message from CJ, you decide to rush to the school to help her.

Go to the bookcase by the computer, and climb to the top. The book on the left (Tess's Tree) can be pushed off the shelf to the left. When it falls, it makes a ramp for the toy truck to drive up.

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13y ago

You have to flush the thumb drive down the toilet in the bathroom first and then look through the window to see cj sending a message that says Mr. Silva did it and then you can get in the car and drive it up the ramp.

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12y ago

you get the tess book and push it over to make a bridge .Grab the car and drive it over the bridge and it will take you outside and then you go to the science fair.

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13y ago

You recieve the second morse message. You have the controll. You push down the book Tess Tree. Now get in the car!It doesn't help anyone!!!!!

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12y ago

on the book shelf you push over on of the books and it makes a ramp

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12y ago

poptropica makes you get a member so you can play all the games.

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Q: How do you get the truck outside in shrink ray island?
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I don't think you jump into bubbles in Shrink Ray Island!

How do you jump out of the window with the truck on shrink ray island?

you not down the books on the top of the book shelf and use them as a ramp