Just make a knights chao, just make it get red chaos drives instead.
Either get a two tone grey chao and make him a shadow chao or a two tone blue or sky blue chao and make either of them a shadow chao or a two tone black chao.
No you can not make a chao age faster
you can't really make a gold chao unless it's ancestors were gold chao.
You can only make hero and dark chao in SAB2. Also Sonic chao are neutral so if you give your chao a lot of run animals you will get a Sonic chao.
You can't make a Chaos Chao look like Sonic, but you can make a regular Chao look like him.
It just the way the game goes.
make your chao a normal run type
get eggman and throw the chao
Buy a white Chao from the black market
Yes. Just make it a hero chao through it's entire life (including reincarnations) and then follow the steps to make it a chaos chao