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(windows or two button mouse)

right click on the area you want to add the block to.

(mac or one button mouse)

hold down the control key and click on the area you want to add the block to.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Pressing 'q' will throw the currently held item onto the floor.

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10y ago

You press e to go into your inventory than drag the table into you bottom inventory press e again hold your crafting table and then right click where you want to place it

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12y ago

By right clicking on a block.

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12y ago

Left click on a block

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Q: How do you place objects in computer version minecraft?
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Where can someone download the demo for Minecraft?

The best place to get a demo version of Minecraft is from their website. Once you've tried out the game and decide to purchase it you can pay for the full version and download it to your computer. It is a very popular game.

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The same place as the original PC version of Minecraft - the bottom of the map.

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right kilk

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right mouse click

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Minecraftnet is the only place where you can register the premium account that you need to play the full version of Minecraft.

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Why cant you place or break any blocks in minecraft creative mode?

You can. Your computer is wrong.

How do you place blocks on Minecraft computer?

To place a block on the PC edition of Minecraft, simply right-click on the top, bottom, or sides of another block in which you'd like to place the block you're holding on.

Is there any place I can place minecraft games not on my computer?

Yes, there is a place to play mine craft other than your own computer. I believe it is being release on XBOX LIVE arcade for download.

How do you make tools on minecraft?

Make a crafting bench\table using 4 pieces of woodplanks, place it in the world, and right click on it to get a 3x3 board. There you can place different objects in a way to get a tool. You can find crafting recepies on minecraft wikis.

How do you place bricks down in Minecraft PC?

The default button is Q. If you have mods installed, the default button for dropping objects can conflict with a command pre-set in the mod. You can change the controls in the game options. Many people prefer "drop object" to be assigned to the upper arrow key.