Open up a brand new script in build/studio mode. Copy/Paste your script or type one in.
The best place to learn to script Lua with Roblox is at this is where I learned to script.
Or use the Roblox Wiki. It is very helpful when it comes to scripting. My favorite article on it is 'The Absolute Beginners Guide to Scripting'. Hope this helps.
There are many tutorials available that teach scripting on Roblox. Google it, or check out the related links below for some examples.
It is not possible to save and execute Javascript code on Roblox. You can save Javascript code as plain text in script objects, but there is no way to execute the code. Roblox uses a scripting language called LUA in-game which is somewhat similar to JavaScript, but it is not identicle. You can learn about LUA syntax on the Roblox wiki.
Scripting on Roblox is done using a programming language called Lua. There is a guide for it in EDIT: not a good one though. Try the scripting helpers forum if you need help beyond the wiki.
You could use your character to push the brick until it is at the angle you want, or you can use the LUA command line to execute a script that will modify the brick's CFrame. (The second option would require a knowledge of LUA scripting on Roblox.)
I would suggest you joining a LUA group and learning that way.
There are many ways to learn how to script on Roblox, however if they are easy depends on how easily you understand how scripting works. The Roblox Wiki has many scripting tutorials. Also some Roblox users have written guides and will teach you how to script like a private tutor.
Admin commands? There are many in free models.
C / C++ for engine Lua for scripting
Most buttons in Roblox are very simple. The buttons most used in Roblox is run by a script of some kind (scripts in roblox are lua). for these buttons there is two main ways to press a button in Roblox. aether click the button or hit the button. this is made possible by a function in a lua script such as "function hit (part)" function.
A "code" as you may know it, is a script. Scripts in Roblox are written in a programming language called Lua, customized to fit the needs of users. People code, or script on Roblox to create things for their places or other users.
There is this cool game called ROBLOX. It lets you script in LUA. Millions of players and instances. It's ridiculous (In a good way).
Scripts and bricks XD. Learn how to script (LUA) then build the giver.
I would suggest finding someone who knows how to script LUA, the Roblox script. I don't script, but my friend (BinkyBear) knows.