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need to have sims 2 seasons first,

then get loads of orchid trees and plant them around,

then type in 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' (without the marks0 into the cheat box (ctrl shift c)

then hold shift onto the tree and click 'Debug infest with bugs'

then make your sims spray them

do this as mant times you need to until your sims go up into a ball af green smoke

they are then plant sims.

:) this does work people I've tried it and now I have lots of plant sims (mwhahahahaha(evil laugh))

Its not loads of trees, its only 10 ! ! ! !

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13y ago

You have to have Sims 2 seasons to make them into a plant Sim. You will need to buy apple, lemon or orange trees that you will find in the gardening section of the build category. You will need to tend and spray these trees to keep them healthy and after you have sprayed around 50 trees, which actually doesn't take long, you will automatically become a plant Sim.

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15y ago

By increasing your skill in farming / gardening / plant care your Sim stands a greater chance of becoming a Plant Sim.

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Q: How do you turn your sim into a plant sim?
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How do you turn a child sim into a plant sim?

turn him into a plant sim then cheat him to a kid.

How do you turn your sims into plants on sims 2?

Make a garden.You must garden until you max out your garden skill.When you reach level 10 garden skill your sim will turn into a plant sim.If you want to cure it, have someone call the garden club.When the garden club member arrives, have the plant sim greet her.Click on her and click buy potion, and it'll say Plantitonic C or something that sounds like plant. xDIt will appear in the plant sim's inventory.go to the plant sim's inventory.Click on the potion.Click drink.Your sim will drink it.Boom! no more plant sim!Plant sims can interact, and even have plant babies! but i do not know about that.Happy simming!!~RachelP.S. You must have The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack for this to happen.

How do you become a plant sim on sims 2?

You need sims2 seasons and if the sim takes care of a tree for a long time they'll turn into a plant!

On the sims 2 seasons how do you make green people?

You plant a few trees around 5-10 then you wait till they need spraying with the pestacide stuff and when you've done that a few times you'll be able to click on your Sim and there will be an option to turn them into a plant Sim.

How do you change a plant sim to sim?

If you call the match making lady you can buy a potion from her and just have your sim drink it.

In the sims2 can you get a zombie sim to become a plant sim?

no not since last time i went on it

How do you become a plant Sim in Sim's2 for PC?

STEP 1: Go into build mode and select some garden plots or an orchard tree and for your lot. Garden plots cost 10 Simoleons apiece, while one orchard tree costs 1,200 Simoleons. Plant seeds in your garden plots. STEP 2:Spray your garden plot or tree with pesticide once the bugs start feasting. Click on the plot or tree and select "Spray." Do this repeatedly. You must overuse the pesticide to create a Plant Sim. After excessive spraying, your Sim eventually will become a green, leafy Plant Sim. STEP 3:Create a new Plant Sim by spawning it from an existing Plant Sim. Click on your Plant Sim and select "Grow Plantbaby." A toddler Plant Sim will appear instantly.

How do you become a plantism?

If you have Seasons buy an orchard tree, spray your tree with pesticide once the bugs start feasting. You must overuse the pesticide for your sim to turn into a plant. If you want the easy way, enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled truecode.-Shift+Cntrl+c type the code above save and exit to neighboorhood-Enter your lot again Shift click on the tree and select infest with bugs and have your sim spray the tree. Do this repeatedly until your sim turn into a plant.

How do you turn into an alien on sim2 on ps2?

Your sims can not turn into an alien but u can create a sim as an alien by clicking on what skin color for your sim

How can you make your Sim turn into a werewolf?

A werewolve has to bite your sim but they have to become good friends.

What has the author James Sim written?

James Sim has written: 'Steam condensing plant in theory and practice'

Can a sim kill another sim?

There are a few ways to have a sim kill another sim. Firstly, you can have a sim use the Natural Science career reward which is a cow plant (University EP only), which you can feed, and eventually a cake will appear on its tongue. Direct the sim you want dead to take the cake, and the plant will kill the sim. Secondly, you can use weapon mods downloaded online to kill sims.