ds, redwood forest, boss,upchuck,eyes break,unlock eyeguy
to unlock all aliens in ben10 protector of earth for psp of earth enter wildvine 4arms heatblast and wildvine
To unlock all alien forms in ben10 protector or Earth just go to the extras menu and input this codes: Wildvine, Fourarms, Heatblast, Wildvine
you can get 5 only but you can unlock upchuck with a cheat
i have all ben10 games like cosmic destruction.ben10 alienforce etc. if you want to get upchuk you have to go on the site youtube an watch the full video how to get upchuck.
Only 5 , but you can unlock Upchuck with a cheat code on the Nintendo DS.
u must pray everyday u cant get diamodhead they didnt out him in the game
the ben10 protector of earth has been given in banglore
yes you can be upchuck i got it it kills enemys in 1 hit sept from bosses
he is indestructable
So pimped
its called Dr animo