How much does a four leaf clover cost
2400 bells and sells for 600 bells
When you go and pick up your "daily weeds" there are normally some clover shaped weeds for you to pick up. Pick them up as you normally would, and on occasion one of them happens to be a four-leaf clover. They are not of much value(I attempted to sell mine before, they aren't even worth 100 bells.) but i admit they can be a quite fashionable hair piece.
They are worth about £2.00!
No it is not. Most naturally occurring clovers only have 3 leaves. That is why a four leafed clover is considered to be good luck; because of it's rarity. Technically speaking, a clover with four leaves is a slight mutation of the clover genome. Much like a man who has six fingers on one hand, only that case is far rarer than a four leafed clover.
four leaf clover is one in 10.000, so X 9 = 90.000, but according to research, four leaf clover can often be found around one another, so it's probably much less than that. In addition, once you start to look for it, your eyes would start to see patterns, so it gets easier as you go.
The same here
It has not come out yet.
10,000,000 if they find a 4 leaf clover but normally around 10,000 :)