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It depends on what internet you use but it uses the same as any other online game you play

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Q: How much internet does red dead redemtion use?
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Is red dead redemtion better than red dead redemtion undead nightmare?

personally i believe that red dead redemption is better as it has a longer story mode

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It has been out

Can you rent property in red dead redemtion?

Yes, you can.

How much is undead nightmare for red dead redemtion?

as of 16th September 2012, £7.99 in the United Kingdom

Will they make red dead redemtion for playstation2?

no they won't be able to as the game uses so much space

What do you do on red dead redemtion after John dies?

play on as his son

How do you get to Mexico in red dead redemtion undead nightmare?

do your missions

Can you buy a cigar on red dead redemtion sigle player?

No you cannot

Can you drive trains on red dead redemtion?

No, the game isn't THAT interactive.

How do you download red dead redemtion?

just buy it from a store legally

Can you get the game red dead redemtion for play station 2?

No you cannot