It depends, Silent Hill is a pergatory of sorts, the creatures are in the most, created by the inner most fears of the protagonis, example, pyramid head is a sign of james' sexual frustration as he is a sexual deviant,and when he realises how much of a bad person he is for wanting these needs, and only loving his wife for sex, pyramid heads kill themselves, as in they are no longer needed to torment him for his sins cause he realises how bad a person he is
silent hill origins Infected Age of zombies House of the dead
The first Silent Hill game was released on January 31, 1999.
No, Silent Hill is a fictional location made for a survival/horror video game.
Roger Avary
Raccoon city because the zombies are pretty stupid.
#1 Silent Hill #2 Silent Hill 2 #3 Silent Hill 3 #4 Silent Hill 4: The Room (The Silent Hill Collection)* #5 Silent Hill Origins #6 Silent Hill Homecoming #7 Silent Hill Shattered Memories #8 Silent Hill 8 #9 (Silent Hill: Orphan)* #10 (Silent Hill: The Escape)* *You may not count theese as Silent Hill games because One is a collection of #2 #3 and #4 in the series, and Orphan and The Escape were released on mobile phones.
No, it has nothing to do with Silent Hill.
There are seven Silent Hill Games in the Main series and a movie.Games1. Silent Hill2. Silent Hill 2 - Shattered Dreams3. Silent Hill 34. Silent Hill 4 - The Rooms5. Silent Hill - Origins (Also known as Silent Hill - Zero)6. Silent Hill - Homecoming7. Silent Hill - Shattered Memories (A remake of the first game)8. Silent Hill - Downpour (Due to be released)Films:Silent Hill (Of the first game)Silent Hill 2 - Revelations (Of the third game)Comic Books (Unsure if Official or not):Silent Hill - Past LifeSilent Hill - Dying Inside #1Silent Hill - Dying Inside #2Silent Hill - The Grinning ManSilent Hill - Sinner's RewardSilent Hill - Dead/AliveOthers:Silent Hill - Play NovelSilent Hill - ArcadeSilent Hill - Mobile DXSilent Hill - Mobile (Orphan)Silent Hill - The EscapeSilent Hill - Mobile 2Silent Hill - Mobile 3Silent Hill - Book of Memories
There are currently thirteen Silent Hill games. Seven in the main series, four spin-off titles, and two remakes.
No, the only Silent Hill to be released on the Wii would be Silent Hill: Shattered memories.
I think silent hill 3 is the easiest.
there's 2, Silent Hill and Silent Hill Revelation. All movies on TopRater: