Depends on ur skill really
Run around and get a good gun. If your good (1st lvl of Zombies) grab the shot gun...if ur not the aiming for the 2 birds 1 stone trade then use the automatic gun at the top of the stairs. run around rebuilding and getting points and unlock doors and the box. and try to keep on getting good guns.
Get a gun
Run or camp
Rebuild for points
Unlock doors
Find a mystery box (try not to get the Teddy at first try)
and get ready for challenges
if it is solo get quick revive first then get past the first couple of rounds by shooting 3-4 times and kill by stabbing. at round 3 you will be bottled up a little so open next door upstairs and get weapon on wall. then build up points and stay in those two rooms for as long as possible... then go get the power and you can do the other side of the curtain. get jug and do continuous circles of map
Well, there are plenty of ways to last longer in zombies, but I will just name a few.
when you die the game revives you
Quick revive helps you heal other teamates much faster
Zombies: Root Beer- Double Tap Speed Cola - faster reloading Quick Revive - Revive Allies Faster Jugg-Nog - More Health
yeah if you press zombies then solo
Black Ops 2 Zombies is harder but also way funner than Black Ops Zombies.
if you are on black ops 1 solo yes unles you have quick revive it will revive you in black ops 1 zombies multiplayer no if at least 1 player is alive you can also be revived after dying in black ops 2 solo you can start from round 1 , 5 , 10 or 20 in black ops 2 multiplayer zombies yes unles at least 1 is alive you can be riveved
Quick revive, juggernog or juggernaut, Speed Cola, and Double tap.
if you are on single player you need quick revive you can only get it 3 times.
Black Ops does have zombies
it depend sif your playing black ops zombies or world at war zombies black op zombies has stamin up double tap and PhD flopper regular world at war zombies has speed cola jugger nog and quick revive
Yes, zombies are back in Black ops.
This perk allows the user, when downed, to come back as a sort of doppleganger and revive themselves or any other downed player. Once you revive yourself, you get your old perks and weapons back, excluding the who's who. If downed when the doppleganger then other players will have to revive your doppleganger before being able to revive your actual self. If, however, you cannot revive yourself in time, your doppleganer will become your permanent player, and will leave you with only an M1911.