Final Fantasy 13 is on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The online installments of the series are 11 and the upcoming 14.
Final Fantasy XIII happened in 2009.
Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy XIII-2 & Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy VIII & Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns.P.s: My opinion.
Yes well this is my opinion. Final Fantasy X is better than Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII was created on 2009-12-17.
No. Wrong final fantasy.
Final Fantasy XIII is basically the first game in a trilogy that contains "Final Fantasy XIII", "Final Fantasy XIII-2", and "Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns". FFXIII:LR concludes the story began in FFXIII. It was a controversial decision to expand a single Final Fantasy game into a trilogy, but S-E was struggling financially and needed to reuse assets to recoup their investment on the initial game.
Music of Final Fantasy XIII was created on 2010-01-27.
fortunately no.
no it doesn't
Oerba Dia Vanille is a character from Final Fantasy XIII. She is also a narrator in Final Fantasy XIII. She is often mysterious and has secrets she keeps from her friends and family.
You should really be playing FIFA12