No. Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 13 are not connected storyline wise.
Lightning - Final Fantasy - was created in 2009.
Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy XIII-2 & Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy VIII & Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns.P.s: My opinion.
In Dissidia Duodecim she does or she "fades into the light" in Final Fantasy XIII she doesn't .
Yes, it was called Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns.
the omega weapon ( the final upgrade for all of lightning's weapons )
Final Fantasy XIII is basically the first game in a trilogy that contains "Final Fantasy XIII", "Final Fantasy XIII-2", and "Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns". FFXIII:LR concludes the story began in FFXIII. It was a controversial decision to expand a single Final Fantasy game into a trilogy, but S-E was struggling financially and needed to reuse assets to recoup their investment on the initial game.
For looks of course. You gotta have cool looking armor when you play a final fantasy
all of them Signed, Phoenix
Yes, there is a trick to dodging lightning 200 times for Lulu's ultimate weapon in the final fantasy X.