Runescape is completely safe, unlike the last contributer thought.
Just click "No" when it asks to Block.
A virus is a computer program designed in some way to harm the way a computer functions. A firewall protects against viruses and other unwanted programs.
The only way Runescape can get onto your computer is if you (or someone with access to your computer) downloaded it from the internet ! If there's no uninstall option in the folder where Runescape is installed, use the 'Add and remove programs' option in Control Panel !
Get a Firewall and an anti-virus. One firewall state-of-the-art, and the other outdated.
Firewall provides a way of controlling network access to a computer. However, using firewall may degrade the performance of the system. It is also difficult to configure and maintain the firewall.
There is no virus in Runescape, if you can't trust it then simply don't play it. If you have set you security way too high, turn down your firewall a notch then try again, if that don't work then use tools > Internet options > security and add to your trusted sites list, is that don't work then your computer just won't simply allow you to play runescape on it. Note: Make sure you aren't playing on High-Detail mode, you need a decent computer/Laptop to play on that Detail, although the old High-Detail should be ok.How do I do that? There is no internet options in my tools. and how do I turn my firewall down?
No one is blocking the way to the Lake of Rage. There is one person blocking the Gym and another blocking the way to route 44.
Trust me, there is no proper way to cheat in runescape if players claim to know a cheat it's most likely to steal your account password by installing a keylogger on your computer.
There is no way to hack RuneScape, and those they claim they can are obviously have key-loggers on their computer, which may I add can be used to steal passwords.
There is no way to hack runescape, and those they claim they can are obviously have key-loggers on their computer, which may I add can be used to steal passwords.
The only way to do so is to ty and unblock it somehow, otherwise you will need to use a different computer all together to play runescape.
Currently, blocking is not possible on Runescape. Players will simply walk through another player if they are in the way. However, closing doors can prevent players from simply clicking into a building (though eventually, a door jam effect will be put into place after rapid closing/opening).
Get a kid to keep his computer turned on.