

Best Answer

Heres Some! Club Penguin Webkinz(must buy stuffed pet) Toontown Spine World Poptropica Panfu Cartoonnetwork Fusion fall Gaiaonline Zwinkey Nicktropalis There's also: Marapets Moshimonsters sifakaworld zookazoo

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Q: Is ther oter virtual world games like planet cazmo?
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What are some popular games for teens like fantage or clubpenguin that don't have to be downloaded?

Try planet cazmo Planet Cazmo is a virtual world for teens from around the world. Create an avatar, play games, music, videos, meet friends from all around the

What is the best free virtual world?

Top 5:1. Club Penguin2. MiniMonos3. Poptropica4. Webkinz5. Planet Cazmo

Are there games like woozworld?

There are many other games like woozworld. SecretBuilders Panfu Fantage Pandanda Club Penguin Pixie Hollow Planet Cazmo Small World Habbo And many others try these out.

An you tell me some games like millsberry?

Well, there are games in which you have to buy memberships for such as Club Penguin, Shining Stars, Webkinz, Planet Cazmo, Sifaka World, etc., but there are also some free ones such as Postopia, Millsberry, Candystand, AdoptMe, Ponystars, etc.

What are some Virtual World Games?

Well, there are a lot but here are just some of the ones that I know: WoozWorld Camp Pete TootsVille PBS Kids PLAY! Wiglington and Wenks Pandana Club Penguin Our World IMVU DizzyWood WeebliWorld HandiPoints HandiLand YooBot vs. Yoonot Webasaurs Small Worlds Secret Builders Planet Cazmo Shidonni Eco Buddies Planet Soccer Live Jump Start Chobots Fantage DinoKids Franktown Rocks My Dinos

Is there any websites for tweens besides club penguin?

yes. there is fantage, webkinz, moshi monstes, ect.there's also Planet Cazmo - they just added new Gummibar features to the game

Is There any chat games like meez or xivio?

Club penguin Dubit Habbo i-dressup i-look spine world woogi world planet cazmo naruto-arena Frenzoo - woozworld moviestarplanet NOTE: NONE of these game are like xivio as they aren't 3D.

What are some good virtual world games?

Probably the top ten virtual world games!SmallworldsBinweevilsclub penguinmoshi monstersWebkinzPandandamydinosStardollIMVUPoptropica

Is there any virtual world for teens?

Movie star planet

Who is Mimo 777?

Mimo777 is a world-famous Club Penguin blogger, who runs the website He's probably somewhere in his teen years. He plays countless virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Planet Cazmo, and Chobots to the name the more popular ones. He is constantly posting cheats and is recognized as one of the most famous bloggers in the world.-Double Mvp

Are there games like dizzywood?

club penguin panfu elf world stardoll trollz barbiegirls runscape fantage second life my coke millsberry gaia online mara pets power pets neopets poptropica whyville imvu webkinz planet cazmo

How do you play virtual world games?

go on googl, type virtual world games and click on any of them. Virtual world games is a website where u can chat 2 other members from around the world and play games. basically like club penguin and moshi monsters and stardoll etc.