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Q: Is there a list of veterans from the Big Red One that served in Vietnem?
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Who can apply for a CalVet home loan?

People who can apply for a CalVet home loan are veterans who have served in the army for at least a 90 day period. Others that can apply are big business workers or owners.

What big event happened on November 11 1996?

my birthday!! veterans day!! my birthday!! veterans day!!

Is Costco open on Veterans Day 2012?

maybe yes,but there is a big possibility of no

What is vetrians day?

Veterans Day is a day to honor and thank all those who have served in the armed forces. It's not just a day off work or an excuse for a sale at the mall. So, put on your big boy pants, show some respect, and maybe learn to spell "veterans" correctly while you're at it.

Why the big dipper served as a good guide?

The big dipper was served as a good guide for for the African American slaves because one of the stars from the constellation is the North Star.

Why is the big dipper served as a good guide?

The big dipper was served as a good guide for for the African American slaves because one of the stars from the constellation is the North Star.

Where is the Veterans Memorial Committee in Richmond Heights Missouri located?

The address of the Veterans Memorial Committee is: 1330 S Big Bend Blvd, Richmond Heights, MO 63117-2202

How many turkey was served this year in the US?

Twelve, twelve turkeies were served this year in e US. They were big turkeies.

How many McDonald's Big Mac's have been served?

Over 9000.

What beverage is normally served at dinner?

Water If it's a big occasion- wine.

With Harley Davidson being big supporters of Disabled American Veterans should Harley Davidson offer motorcycles at a substantional discount to members of Disabled American Veterans?

With all the veterans that own and operate a HD, I believe they (HD) should offer a substancial discount to those vetrerans that that have been disabled due to military service.

Was big black boykin in the navy?

Yes, Big Black Boykin, whose real name was Christopher Boykin, served in the U.S. Navy. Before gaining fame as a reality TV star on MTV's "Rob & Big," Boykin was a Navy veteran and served as a Navy SEAL.