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From your friends tree you will need to click on the red X button to remove a friend. You cannot remove all friends in one click so you will have to do this for each friend you wish to remove.

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14y ago

You can only delete messages on your own pinboard.

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14y ago

all you have to do is get a message you don't want then click the delte button

don't forget to add me!luvliandpoppets and my other account jwno!

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Q: Moshi Monsters How do you Delete all your messages?
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How do you delete all the messages on Moshi Monsters at the same time?

You can not delete all the messages at the same time on Moshi Monsters. You have to delete each message individually.

How do you delete all you're Moshi Monsters?

You need to contact the Moshi Monsters Customer Service team for help with this.

How do you stop people looking at your messages on Moshi Monsters?

To keep people from seeing the messages on your Pin Board on Moshi Monsters, when someone sends you a message, you can choose to delete it instead of approving it. If you post a message to someone else's Pin Board, the only way to keep other people from seeing it is to ask that person to delete the message from their Pin Board. Or just don't post any messages at all. Keep in mind that Moshi Monsters staff monitor messages, so if you post any message that is against their rules, it will most likely be seen by a staff member before it gets posted anywhere.

How do you delete all your meassges on moshi monsters at once?

you cant you have to do it one by one

How do you text your friends without being in your house on Moshi Monsters?

You can not text your friends at all on Moshi Monsters. The only way to send messages to your Moshi Monsters friends is by posting a message on their Pin Board or by posting a message on your Pin Board that can be seen by all your Moshi Monsters friends.

How do you change the moshling that's following ypu on moshi monsters?

You can not change the name or the color of moshlings on Moshi Monsters.

How many messages can you hold on moshi monsters?

for all i know you can have as many as you want!!! correct me if i am wrong please!?!?! :?

Which is better binweevils or Moshi Monsters?

This is a matter of opinion. Contributors have said: Binweevils is better! Binweevils is better than Moshi Monsters because: 1. you can chat with Weevils any where but on Moshi Monsters you can only send messages 2. you can do a lot more when you are a member on Binweevils but on Moshi Monsters there is hardly anything else you can do

What are all the member moshings on Moshi Monsters?

A Moshi Monster member can get all of the moshlings on Moshi Monsters.

Can you delete a Moshi Monsters account?

Yes, you can ask Moshi Monsters to delete your Moshi Monsters account. To delete an account, the user will have to send the following information by email to : 1. What is your Monster Owner name (the name you use to login) 2. What is your Monster's name 3. What email was used to register the account? 4. Why do you want Moshi Monsters to delete the account? (Optional) (If you have more than one account you wish to delete, you will have to include the above information for each account.)

How do some people get Moshi Monsters?

People get Moshi Monsters by signing up for membership on the Moshi Monsters web site.There is a Basic Membership for Moshi Monsters which is free, but you will not be able to do all the activities or catch all the Moshlings.There is a Moshi Member (paid membership) which allows access to all areas of Moshi Monsters.

Do you have to pay for a Moshi Monsters membership?

There is a Basic Membership on Moshi Monsters that is free, but you will not be able to access all the areas of Moshi Monsters.