If you are on PC, it is probably because your computer sucks, just like mine.
yea mine did
31 people were trapped in the mine. they were there for 69 days.
I fix mine by pressing the ALT key. That's also how it gets stuck.
I have both for The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and shivering Isles, I got mine from a shop called "Game", but you may be able to get from PC World and few others too.
Some times mine get's stuck in park, what i do for mine is rock the steering gentley from side to side.If it gets stuck on a hill, then have someone sit it while another person rocks the whole car front to back.
Your Kingdom Hearts might be different to mine, but I think the one you're talking about is Oblivion.
when mine stuck, i climbed into the back removed the trim and manually pulled the release levers
Hero Hill is located Southeast of Cheydinhal. It is South of the Rickety Mine and North of the Dark Fissure.
I believe there was 32 miners.
Once you download it then a small little town will be available between kvatch and Skingrad and you just find it and go to it. But i got mine through the oblivion GOTY edition and i downloaded it but nothing. go here http:/www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Knights_of_the_Nine
There was a time when mine didnt load because the Wizards Tower, and or both the Theives Den was deleted off of my memory unit