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You need to mine clay, which can be done in South Varrock. Then, get a bucket and fill it with water. Use the clay and the bucet of water on each other and you should get soft clay. In Barbarian Village, you will find a potter's wheel. Use the soft clay on it, then click 'pot.' This should give you an unfired pot. In the same room, use the unfired pot on the over, and then you have a pot!

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13y ago
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16y ago

in barbarian village, and crafting guild, you can fire pots at the place you make the pots

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13y ago

You need to use it on a pottery kiln, there is one in the barbarian village

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12y ago

well as a 5 year rs player you would have to find one of those crafting ovens.there is one in draynor in potter's house.also one in barbarian village, happy crafting@

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What can clay be used for in RuneScape?

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Clay pots are fired in extremely hot ovens called kilns. However, there are ways to do this at home: build a kiln, fire them in a pit fire, or smoke in a garbage can.

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This isn't a good site to get information on Runescape Private servers, please use an alternative site for this kind of information, you will be able to receive a much quicker and better reply.

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