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Thas is the fill motive cheat every 1 of my friends does it and it works here it is

X,X,Triangle,Square,Square,(d-pad) down,down,left,right,right

if u have any more questions email me at

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Q: On sims 2 pets is there a fill all motives cheat?
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Why wont it let you click on the cheat gnome on sims 2 pets on ps2?

Try putting in the money cheat or fill all motives

Is there a cheat to raise pets motives on Sims 2 Pets?

There is a cheat to raise the motives of all sims, including pets. If you know how to control the pets, and you can see my message board if you don't, I have all the cheats I know of, put in that cheat. You then need to open the cheats bar and enter, EXACTLY, maxmotives. That will max everyone's motives including your pets. Hope this helped.

Is there a max all motives cheat for sims 2 pets?

No sorry there is no motive cheat on the sims pets. Edit: There is none for Sims Pets, but there is one for Sims 2 Pets. It is 'maxMotives', also type in 'help' in the Sims 2. That will give you a large list of cheats. Note: Must be in Sims 2, or it will not work.

You want a cheat to make a sim's motives fill?

in sims 2 and 3 you can do maxmotives

Whcheat does the sims 2 cheat fill all motives do?

it fills their motives...(like hunger and social) it fills them all the way up so your sims is happy

Is there a max motives cheat for sims 2 pets on ps2?

There isn't a max motives cheat for Sims 1, you just have to work hard on keeping all of their needs up.

What is the Sims 2 pets motives cheat?

Click ctrl shift and c to bring up the cheat box, then type in maxmotives, it should make all your family- including pets happy :) Or on the neighbourhood, type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, and then you can drag up any of your family's- including pets- motives :)

Is there an max motives cheat in the sims 3?

open the cheat menu and type in testingcheatsenabled true you can then click and drag your sims' motives to make them at whatever level you want.

What the cheat for all sims motives happy in get a life?

how do you get a baby in sims pets2

What is the D-pad Up in sims 2 pets?

You Sims motives. (needs)

How do you get enough energy to use the canoe in the sims 2 castaway for ps2?

hi well you either have build a better bed to sleep in or use the fill all motives cheat. fill all motives :R2, UP, X, SQUARE, L1 to activate that cheat first you need to get the cheat gnome : R1, L1, DOWN, SQUARE, R2 do the cheat gnome cheat while on the pause menu then do the fill all motives one second. then go to the little pirate gnome and click max then click fill all motives hope i helped for this is the first question i have ever answered :)

Is there a max motives cheat for sims 2 ps2?
