The Easter carrot is a holiday reward from the 2009 Easter event, received upon its completion. When equipped, it gives the option to whack another player, which makes you appear to hit the other player with the huge carrot. This is merely for effect, and no damage is actually dealt. Just like with the rubber chicken, whacking other players too many times will cause the player to 'fumble' the Easter carrot and automatically drop it on the ground with a message saying "You drop your carrot on the floor!", where it can be picked up again. It may be stored in a toy box in a player-owned house. It has the options wield, use , drop, and examine.
This information is from link below which is a great website to find any information on runescape topics. I hope this helps
A bushel of carrots typically contains around 50-60 carrots.
Runescape is Runescape 2, there is Runescape Classic (RSC) and Runescape 2 (RS2). Although Runescape Classic can now only be played by players who joined before Runescape 2 was released.
There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119
RuneScape Classic: 2001 RuneScape 2: 2004 RuneScape HD: 2008
carrots are yummy
They are carrots that are uncooked.
runescape 2 is the current runescape runescape 1 is also refered to as runescape classic look it up on wikipedia for a better understanding.
CARROTS he loves carrots, girls who eat carrots and his fans send him a lot of carrots. -pandabear19
yes, runescape 2 is the neww runescape created in 2003, runescape was created in 2001.
Total number of carrots: 45 Rudolph had 25 and 3 halves. That makes it 45-26.5 = 18.5 carrots. 18 whole carrots and a half carrot.
there is a runescape 3 now ok. there is a runescape 2 but there is actually no runescape 3 The version that everyone plays in runescape 2. Runescape 3 is a scam site were you put in your username and password and it takes it.
Carrots grow in the ground.