

Best Answer

Reviver Seeds

Looking for former teammate Skarmory!
He has to be in a dungeon somewhere!

Client: Zigzagoon

Objective: Search for Skarmory.

Place: Beach Cave

Restrictions: None

Difficulty: E (10)

Reward: Reviver Seed

Wonder Mail: =5XY PY-5 2T4X
Rampardos went missing this morning!
I'm pleading for help!

Client: Mothim

Objective: Rescue Rampardos.

Place: Mt. Horn 7F

Restrictions: None

Difficulty: B (30)

Reward: Reviver Seed

Wonder Mail: 5@23 QYQX #QWN
Let's go exploring together to Landslide
Cave's B7F!

Client: Ledyba

Objective: Explore with Ledyba.

Place: Landslide Cave B7F

Restrictions: None

Difficulty: B (30)

Reward: Reviver Seed + ?

Wonder Mail: @HY6 -Q+% T9H%
This Pokemon muscles in on treasure!
Please help with this investigation!

Client: Magnezone

Objective: Arrest Koffing.

Place: Treeshroud Forest 15F

Restrictions: None

Difficulty: *2 (200)

Reward: Reviver Seed

Wonder Mail: S=RJ YX33 &&16
CP6T P%0X 5=4N
Tough to top this Pokemon for sheer
vileness! Please bring this criminal to

Client: Magnezone

Objective: Arrest Claydol.

Place: Happy Outlook B12F

Restrictions: None

Difficulty: *5 (500)

Reward: Reviver Seed + ?

Wonder Mail: WTM- RCM4 %MC0
5Q&7 WS39 J&71

Golden Seeds

Set 1

H75T X3CQ Q4C-

42N8 @FC# 8+2M
W1W= XQJ6 91+8

1C%J YRHC 4+T8

@%@S XX## @18Y

R5JY P@HS %S7@

68F# KRQ0 =TX6
Q8CN #63J 9#29

RRT0 X46X 4KX9
MXRP 4%HQ 3@Y&

#R81 QY9# MWH@
NSRF +002 FR8P


Set 2

83+J T9#K X8=2
F7=5 7#-% C4F@

KJ=S 6#P1 XJ6P
H%5H X+CQ Q4J+

R-P& @F4P XC+6
%F@S 23YM M1Q2

M=7 6#P1 XJ%P
H%5H X@CQ Q42Q

M#%2 6K4T 6PF5

#F0S +12T T&6Q
9FJ- 3%3W N13Q

JS@K HQC- 321T
M5%X SH6# @CX7

+F66 13-1 MK0R


Set 3
11QH 563K 5JY1
1-T9 5=90 0HKX

5-JK 9M64 419Q
8M@6 5H+C 7SR6

52JN +YKJ 993W
&@== %K&5 462J

FCK5 0YJ4 6HM+
N8@@ --2# 6H@&

&N2% K4N1 &Q9T

6@Q0 0RQ6 8M+Q
6R6N TYRR T%80

%0NF @69W 4540
M=R6 73Q& FW==

29+= 8R&J NT42
FX0C +Q2& +=#W

Wonder Mail:879J H&97 MC-J KPQ# 9&7% &W7Q

=+2W 989Y 2+-N 5J79 CX#N 8P34 --- Golden Seed

@0Y4 SXHQ 9QC7 35@H 3Q=M MHP0 --- Unlock Oran Forest
Tiny Meadow #PS9 QK50 3PPN F@+Q TX#- HQ7T


TM Dig
4-13 P@1X S%45 H5WS 084& P+-R6

TM Blizzard

TM Flamethrower
6S+& 2YNC 655F 8JF4 CF27 P%Q@

TM Grass Knot
QM5= @J4J #+8= &H48 Q2%4 J1K3

TM Overheat
P%#F RRFX P2@0 6Y31 PCQ8 K@7@

TM Poison Jab
%Y-7 J2H8 3HWH @=1P P6YM 9S7J

TM Psychic



Unlocks Giant Volcano Boss: Heatran Reward: Frie Drum (Increase recruit rate for Fire type Pokemon)

78SR -H2M P0+4 Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S
Unlocks Maze Cave Boss: Gabite Reward: Gabite's Scale

4MP= K98# CT%Y R@-- &P7% %K86
Unlocks Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss: Articuno Reward: Ice Flute (Increase recruit rate for
Ice type Pokemon)

X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K
Unlocks Mysterious Jungle. Boss: Mew. Reward: Grass Trumpet (Increases recruit rate for Grass type Pokemon)

#&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y
Unlocks Shimmering Desert. Boss: Groudon. Reward: Earth Cymbal (Increases recruit rate for Ground type Pokemon)

HW+8 66%T 5S51 +J5Y 4-K# H@P-
Unlocks Sky Stairs. Boss: Rayquaza. Reward: Flying Pianaca (Increases recruit rate for Flying type Pokemon)

Unlocks The Great Hole Boss: Giratina Reward: Rock Megaphone - (Increases Recruit Rate for Rock Pokemon)

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Maze Cave

Mission Description:

Following the same plot as the Dungeon Time & Dark Anime Special, Shinx's sister is ill and needs a "Gabite's Scale" to be healed. This scale is only found in Maze Cave.

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Password: 78SR -H2M P0+4 Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S

Bottomless Sea

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

beat the game


Password: FN01 HWN- 00%F8678 +XY@ &%#3

Shimmering Desert

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Unlocks: Groudon

Password: #&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y

Mt. Avlanche

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Unlocks: Articuno

Password: 4MP= K98# CT%Y R@-- &P7% %K86

Giant Volcano

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Unlocks: Heatran

Password: FH0T HYNH R0QF 86N8 +SY@ &%YN

Great Hole

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Unlocks: Giritina

Password: WNWY JXTK &5C1 4N3- P4NM 8K&C

Sky Stairs

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Unlocks: Rayquaza (floor 50)

Password: HW+8 66%T 5S51+J5Y 4-K# H@P-

Mystery Forest

Mission Description:

Get to the End of the Dungeon

Unlock Notes

Beat the game

Unlocks: Mew

Password: HW+8 66%T 5S51+J5Y 4-K# H@P-

Client: Riolu

Objective: Explore with Riolu.

Place: Beach Cave B2F

Restrictions: None

Difficulty: D (15)

Reward: ???

Wonder Mail:

M T = N + M M S - N M 7

H 4 # + 1 J H 7 C C F M

Client: Rattata

Objective: Prospect with Rattata.

Place: Beach Cave B2F

Restrictions: With Pichu

Difficulty: D (15)

Reward: 150 + you might get Enigma Part (Helps Recruit Legendaries.)

Wonder Mail: PXJ6 34F4 4Q3F QW&K YRX5 38+=

Client: Onix

Objective: Aresst Charizard

Place: Zero Isle North 5

Reword: Dive+???

password:JXWK C-+& 7PX2


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βˆ™ 15y ago

what are all ownder mail codes for every pokemon in mystery dungeon explorers of time?

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βˆ™ 13y ago

go here and check it out,

www. Pokemon explorers of the sky wonder mail s generator .com

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βˆ™ 15y ago

there are only codes for raiku suicune entei mewtwo and jirachi. the others apear after you get marien resort

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the codes can be found on and type in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness wonder mail codes for the 7 treasures

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Go to a wonder mail generator you get to make your own jobs and pick your rewards.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

%@9F 84N5 3WQR

6XJJ 4PF2 5H5C

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They don't have it in Explorers of Darkness, only in Explorers of Sky

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Crystal Cave has 12 floors in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness.

Are you Pokemon 1 in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness?

Obviously, yes.

How do you get arcecus in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

you can only get arceus in Pokemon explorers of darkness!!!