Habitat corridors are strips of habitat that facilitate the movement of plants and animals between disconnected patches of habitat. They promote genetic diversity, enhance species distribution, and help mitigate the negative effects of habitat fragmentation. By providing a pathway for species to migrate and disperse, habitat corridors are crucial for maintaining biodiversity.
Natural habitat: advantages: freedom to roam. Feel safe. Pick and explore things naturally. Disadvantages: people might not be able to see the animal. Cages: advantages: people can see easily. Disadvantages:Can't move around easily. Not feeling safe.
Elephant corridors are narrow strips of land that allow elephants to move from one habitat patch to another. There are 88 identified elephant corridors in India.
Advantages and Disadvantages of equity
Elephant corridors are narrow strips of land that allow elephants to move from one habitat patch to another. There are 88 identified elephant corridors in India.
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