you use the stink bomb to get rid of the teacher and then click on it and it should open if you have the locker combo and the 'map' to the cabnet and it WILL open!
the filing cabnet in the detention room
click on it
you use the smoke bomb from the science lab and use it in the detencion room.
you can not. you have to go in it.
It is in the secret store room behind the filing cabinet in the detention room on Big Nate Island. You need the blue prints from Nate's locker in order to access the secret room.
you put the stinkbomb on the floor of the detention room and the teacher will leave then you click on the filing cabinet
You use it when you get put in detention for chewing gum so you can get into the filing cabinet.
The entrance to the hidden room is in the second drawer of the filing cabinet. You need the blueprint from Nate's locker to access the room.
set of your stink bomb to get to the filing cabinet and when your inside the cabinet you will figure it out from there.your welcome
first make sure you know nate's locker combo, then open nate's locker. after being sot across the room, go back to the locker and click on it. you'll find the school's blueprint. next go back to the filing cabinet and you can go down the ladder that will appear. good luck!
1. "use" the stink bomb in Detention room2. Open Nate's locker (combo is on comic strip you collect),click on a blue piece of paper (there are several blue papers)3. click on file cabnet