The graphic restrict on black ops will block all gore and bad language for the the whole game. It will not change the online gameplay but there is no bad language and gore in multiplayer.
Go to options and click graphic content or graphic. change to no.
Black ops is better for kids because there is a setting in the Game to restrict the graphic content such as blood and language. On MW3 its more of a hardcore time game.
yes it will ask you if you want to turn of graphic content when you first play:)
it should. try options and go to graphic content
Black Ops in my opinion is good on every system playing wise. Graphic wise the Wii of course lacks in the true gamer experience. So honestly I have to say Black Ops is only 43.7% good on the Wii.
You go to options and turn graphic content to restricted. NOTE: This only works offline.
Not when it flashes on your screen when you get hit, but you can disable graphic content by going into options.
when you first set it up it should ask if you want graphic content on or off . or you can go into options in the main menu and turn it off.
In some cases, Black ops can be graphic to the extreme. In one scene, you are trying to help a man up from falling off a building, and he gets shot in the head. Bits of brain and blood fly out, and that is pretty disturbing. In one of the scenes, (I can't remember which level it was) and a car hits your army. A man braces the impact of the car, and half of his face falls off. The zombies mode is pretty violent, when you shoot a zombie a limb can fall off. So, yes, Black ops is graphic.
you cant you can lower the graphic content for less blodd tho but cursing you cant ban