

What does so chao mean?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What does so chao mean?
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How many times can you evolve your chao?

You can evolve your chao 2 times so you can get a chaos chao so 2.

What does xin chao mean?

xin chao means hello in Vietnamese

Can you make a hero sonic chao in sadx if so how?

You can only make hero and dark chao in SAB2. Also Sonic chao are neutral so if you give your chao a lot of run animals you will get a Sonic chao.

Why does your Chao draw pizzas?

cause your chao is bored usally it doesn't mean anything

How do you make a invisible chao?

I believe you mate a Jewel Chao, and a Shiny Chao. It might be a Transclucent, so be prepared if it is.

Why can't I make my chao mate?

Chao CAN mate with each other.Ok,so one of your Chao has flowers blooming around it.In order to make a Chao mate with the Chao that has flowers blooming around it,you need to put another Chao next to the Chao that is ready to breed.Sometimes,a Chao might not like the Chao mating so then it goes away.Or you might be trying to breed a Child Chao with a Baby Chao.Baby Chao cannot breed with others.Only Child Chao with Child Chao.And the last reason why you can't mate your Chao is probably because you are trying to breed a Child Chao with a Chaos Chao.Chaos Chao cannot breed.Sometimes a Chao is already near the Chao mating.So if it likes the mating Chao,it will walk up to it and they will breed.

How do you get a chaos choa?

At a newborn Chao: First you have to recarnate or Transform a Chao at least twice then give it one of every animal NO CHAO DRIVES and depending on if you want a Light Chao, Devil Chao, and Angel Chao you pet it with good or bad characters: Light Chao, Good and bad. Angel Chao, Good only. Devil Chao, bad only. What you do in the first two lives don't matter. So you hit it or love it or what ever in the first two or so lives. (To Transform the Chao they have to die and if they like you they will leave a egg.(Wich is there next live.)) If you are not sattisfide with this go to Chao At a newborn Chao: First you have to recarnate or Transform a Chao at least twice then give it one of every animal NO CHAO DRIVES and depending on if you want a Light Chao, Devil Chao, and Angel Chao you pet it with good or bad characters: Light Chao, Good and bad. Angel Chao, Good only. Devil Chao, bad only. What you do in the first two lives don't matter. So you hit it or love it or what ever in the first two or so lives. (To Transform the Chao they have to die and if they like you they will leave a egg.(Wich is there next live.)) If you are not satisfied with this go to Chao

How do i get a third form Chao?

Chao only evolve twice, so there is no third form.

Is there a chao garden in sonic unleashed?

I don't think so because I beat the game and no chao garden for me so sorry.

What does chao y si ablo español mean in english?

I believe you mean; chao y sí hablo español. Goodbye and yes I speak English.

In SADX how long do you need to wait for a chao to evolve into an adult?

your chao should evolve in about level 15 but if so you should train it.into dark,neatrule,or hero but recarnate 2 for chaos chao angel chao and dark chao

How do you make a Amy chao?

well you can't get a Amy chao but you can with ar is a hake so you can't.