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you can get up to 12 different breeds in dachshund and friends not including the dalmation and jack Russel in order you can get the dachshund of coarse the pug the shih tzu the beagle the golden retriver and the siberion husky and by earning trainor points you can get the yorkie then shiba inu the cavalier kc spaniel the pembroke welsh corgi the shetland sheepdog the miniture snauzer the boxer the toy poodle the German shepherd miniture pinxsher the chiwahwah and the labroador retriever hope this helps

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13y ago

there are dalmatian boxer German sheperd dog Yorkshire terrier beagle and golden retriver is the ones you get when you first get the game but you can unlock all of them if you train you dogs and the first time you go on bark mode and the dog you find is not one you unlocked it will unlock it so you can buy that kind of dog its neat i do that alot when my sister gets here games. hope this helps!

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15y ago

Yorkie, Boxer, Beagle, Golden Retriever, German Shepperd and Dalmatian

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12y ago

Miniature Dacushund, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Pug, Siberian Husky, and Shih Tzu

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Q: What dogs does the nintendog ds game dachshund and friends have?
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Which nintendog game has shiba inu and Siberian husky in the dog selection?

Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends. I have 2 Siberian Huskies and a Beagle. Here is the list of dogs you can choose from in Nintendogs Dachshund and Friends:Miniature DachshundPugYorkshire TerrierShih TzuBeagleGolden RetrieverSiberian HuskyShiba Inu

On the game Dachshund and friends can you make your dogs mate with other dogs?

no they cant if you ask a nentendo person the dogs stay puppies forever so they cant mate :(

How do you begin a new game in Nintendogs dachshund and friends?

if you have a new game,put it in your DS and turn it on hit nintendogs and it will show a door knock on it then you buy your dogs.

Nintendogs- Do you have a Nintendog. If you do then which one MN?

I have Lab and Friends. I have all of them. Why do you ask? I have Lab and Friends. I have all of them. Why do you ask? :O All of them? Isn't that a waste of money? ( can i have one? ;) ) i have... em. dont know the name but i do have one! its the green like cover on the DS game card if you know what i mean.. :L I have dachshund and friends. I Haz Lab and Friends :')

Is there a Great Dane Nintendog game?

I'm sorry to say but no, there isn't a great Dane and friends there is only chihuahua and friends, dachshund and friends, lab and friends, the special dalmatian and friends and the Japanese shiba-inu and friends (that's all i know, but those are every one I'm 100% sure) PS:Nintendo is releasing a nintendogs + cats for the ds, they announced it at EA 2010 and i don't know what breeds are in that

How do you unlock a husky on chiuaua and friends?

Yes, all Nintendog breeds are available to each version of the game.

How do you get dachshund in Nintendogs labs?

you have to get one of your friends to have a dachshund on their game and go on a play date with it with you and after the play date you can buy one.

Can you get a rottwiler in nintendog lab and friends?

Yes i think you can because my daughter has that game and she has a rottwiler on hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you get the dachshund and lab for your first six on Nintendogs?

There is no action replay code,but you can get both dogs on nintendogs:Best friends edition.It's rare so it will be alot of money(there was once a game like that for 150 bucks,I mean150 bucks!)

Can you please help me by Listing all the Nintendogs game?

OK here is the list of all the Nitendog games Lab and friends Dachshund and friends Dalmatian and friends Chihuahua and friends