The element named after Thor is thorium. It is a naturally occurring radioactive metal with the symbol Th and atomic number 90. It is named after the Norse god Thor due to its strength and power.
Thorium was named after the Norse god Thor, known for his strength and power.
The element named after Thor, the God of War, is thorium. It is a silvery metal that is named after the Norse god due to its strength and stability. Thorium is used in nuclear reactors as a fuel source.
The element named after the Norse God of War is cobalt. It gets its name from the German word kobalt, which means goblin or evil spirit, as miners believed cobalt-containing ore was difficult to mine and caused them harm.
There is no planet named after the Greek god of war.There is however a planet named after the Roman god of war, which is Mars.The Greek god of war is Ares. He does not currently have a planet named after him.
Mars is named after the Roman god of war because it is red, which is a color associated with violence, battle or blood. Also, all the planets except Earth in our solar system are named after Roman Gods.
Mars is named after the Roman God for War. Orignally, the god was a Greek god named Ares. When Rome conquered the Greeks, they took their religions too. So they renamed their Gods/godesses. So Mars is the "roman" god of war.
The planet Mars was named by the ancient Romans after their god of war, Mars.
The month of March was named after Mars, the Roman god of war.