Just like children and other NPC's You cant kill it but if you hurt it you will gain a bounty
there are no lions
no if you try they kill you
You need to kill the old woman at the orphanage in Riften.
Couriers only come when they have messages to give you. There are messages for locations of word walls, inheritance from deceased friends, and important quests.
Yes but only if you kill them.
They live forever unless you kill them.
You don't kill him, you have to make him chase you into the keep (right behind you.)
Try a calm spell.
You take the game out, then put it into your computer. Open up minecraft, go into creative mode, get a cow embrio, and download into skyrim. There will now be a cow in skyrim. The get it, you have to kill the cow in whiterun, put the other one in the kennel, and then kill all of the owners of the cow. If you succeed at this, you should be able to take the cow to mount doom in mordor. From there simply kill golum, and the cow will be yours.
they never stop coming back, so you can kill as much as you want
You should receive a courier message after you hit Lv20, inviting you to see the museum. But you can just head there anyway after you reach Lv20, you do not need to wait.
Kill a Stormcloak officer.