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Q: What influenced Texans to be either pro-secession or Pro-Union?
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Where can one find an accurate schedule for the Houston Texans?

You could probably find an accurate schedule for the Houston Texans team either on their website, or by looking on any football schedule website, and looking for their name.

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It depends on which side your talking about. Either the Tejanos and Texans or Santa Anna's Army. They, I mostly think, Were the people who fought against each other.

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social psychology is an important area of study in that it tackles on how individuals are either consciously or unconsciously influenced to act in a desired manner.

Why Does Tennesse Titans Have the division?

They were realigned into the new AFC South when the Houston Texans were formed, as it was considered unwieldy to add a seventh team to the AFC Central (the Titans' previous division, now the AFC North) or a sixth team to the AFC East (though either the Titans - the ex-Houston Oilers - or the Houston Texans being in the AFC East would not have been unusual, as the Oilers had been in the AFL's Eastern Division 1960-9).

How many rookie quarterbacks have won playoff games?

Four Quarterbacks have Shaun King Ben Rothlisberger Joe Flacco Mark Sanchez However, tonight when the Texans play the Bengals, a fifth quarterback will join this club. Either TJ Yates or Andy Dalton

Why do some people hate Texans?

Some people may have negative stereotypes or preconceived notions about Texans based on cultural, political, or social differences. It's important to recognize that these perspectives are not reflective of all individuals from Texas, and generalizations can perpetuate misunderstandings and bias.

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It depends on whether that person would rather let you go for a while while you solve your problem or stick with you and try not to get influenced thinking about someone besides themselves. either way, they are a good friend. but if the person who had the problem wanted to be a good friend as well, they would either quit or tell there friend to go until they got in shape so that their friend wouldn't get influenced this was written by a twelve year old

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There are several arguably correct answers to this question. I'd go with either The Ramones or Iggy and the Stooges.