That's an abbreviation for Final Fantasy 1 which is the first game of the final fantasy series.
Yes, you can. You can fight them in some of the bonus dungeons too.
I can confirm that you are able to encounter Warmech after beating Tiamat in the Pixel Remaster on Steam.
He isn't in FF1 btw. But Sakaguchi just wanted a character in each game with some similar characteristics to tie them together.
Each hero starts with their crystal in FF1. But defeating the 4 fiends unlocks a larger crystal which allows the heros to grow their job class.
Yes, Fatal Frame is a PS2 series. (and FF1 and FF2 also apper on Xbox) Fatal Frame 4 is going to be on the Nintendo wii.
It is not level dependant - upgrading your class in FF1 is done by completing a certain quest, which can be done at any level.
There is only one mystic key and it works on all doors locked by the mystic key in the FF1 world. You get the key by waking up the prince of the elves. You have to find the crystal eye, then Matoya will give you a potion, use the potion on the prince and you get the mystic key.
Normally, for any counter, we can use both PET (Positive edge triggering) or NET (Negative edge triggering). But, most of the time we use NET. The reason is that in case of PET, considering a standard asynchronous counter ( n-bit), the output of nth flip-flop will change it's state, as it's preceding flip-flop changes it's state from 0 to 1 or low to high. In general, we take the output of flip-flop from Q input, and, the counter will seem to run in reverse order, if PET is used. This can be understood by an example. Let us take a 2-bit counter with PET J-K Flip-Flops. Let the clock input is applied to the first Flip-Flop. Now taking a look at it's states. Assume that, initially all the flip-flops are at logic low. At the first rising edge of the clock pulse, FF0 (First flip-flop) will change it's state from 0 to 1. This transition from 0 to 1 by FF0 is the clock input to FF1, which sees a rising edge at it's clock input, will also change it's state from 0 to 1. So, at the first clock pulse, the counter will go from it's initial state of 00 to 11. On, second clock pulse, FF0 will transit from 1 to 0, but FF1 will remain at 1 because it is seeing a falling edge. So, the state will shift from 11 to 10. At third pulse, FF0 will shift from 0 to 1, and FF1 will shift from 1 to 0. so, the state will shift from 10 to 01. Finally, at fourth clock pulse, FF0 will shift it's state from 1 to 0 and, FF1 will remain at it's previous state. so, the new state will be 00. Now, taking a look at complete cycle we will have, 00,11,10,01....... so on. So, it is clear that counter is behaving as down counter or reverse counter. It is a general practice to take output from Q output and not from Q-bar (~Q). So, a better method is to use NET. Since, the output of FF1 in that case will shift it's state when FF0 will shift from 1 to 0. So, the state cycle in that case will be, 00,01,10,11..... so on. It is clear that output of FF1 is changing only when FF0 is changing from 1 to 0 ie. falling edge. So, to conclude, we can say that in general, we use negative edge triggering in case of counters.
No, the two games do not have interrelated story lines. They are set in 2 different unnamed worlds. Unlike in Ivalice Alliance which explained the connection between Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy 12, FF1 and FF2 seems to have no connection though they were later marketed together as re-releases.
Cid of the Lufaine, inserted into FF1 GBA remake but isn't exist in original. The adoptive father of Chaos, a scientist of the ancient civilization of Lufenia, and the husband of the woman who is the basis of Cosmos. Him making a deal with Shinryu to get revenge for those who had separate his family is practically the only reason why Dissidia: Final Fantasy's plot existing in the first place.
In order to get promoted you have to first conquer the Castle of Ordeals. This lies on a peninsula east of the Cardia Islands. After finishing to castle you will be rewarded with a Rat Tail. For some reason this is considered to be a sign of a true hero. Take the tail to Bahamut on the Cardia Islands. He lives in the southern-most cave on a forested island with two openings. Upon presenting him with the tail you will be promoted to a higher set of job classes.
Main (playable) characters, FF1 - No named characters, FF2 - Maria, FF3 - Refia, FF4 - Rydia, Rosa, FF5 - Lenna, Faris, Krile, FF6 - Terra, Celes, Relm, FF7 - Tifa, Yuffie, FF8 - Quistis, Selphie, Rinoa, FF9 - Garnet/Dagger, Freya, Eiko and her moogle, Mog, Quina (unconfirmed gender), FF10 - Yuna, Lulu, FF12 - Penelo, Fran, Ashe, FF13 - Lightning, Vanille, Fang.