the best strength bonus armour for you would be, rune defender, dragon battleaxe or abyssal whip, helm of neitiznot or berserker helm, dragon boots, barrows gloves, amulet of strength but amulet of fury gives more bonus at the cost of -2 compared to the amulet of strength, berserker ring, fire cape if you can get one, bandos chestplate or fighter torso if you can afford a bandos chestplate it has better defence bonus but same strength bonus as fighter torso and bandos tassets for the leg slot. that would be the best strength bonus for your level there are actually better weapons for people with LARGE amounts of money. like the godswords. but the cheapest one is something like 39m i believe
Get a weak weapon and fight barbarians at the barbarian village.
The scimitar is a good all round weapon. For your level a mithril one will probably suffice.
Weapons don't add to your defence bonuses. The best armour, however, would be full rune.
your skills plus your top three armour weapon and viechle defence points
the defense of Crocodillo APC is 52.
depends if you have good armor, weapon and food you should kill moss or hill giants
It depends what your strengh is, if your strengh is higher you should get a warhammer or battleaxe. If your attack is higher you should get a sword of some type_______________________________________________________________________Y..Yes, it would depend on strength BUT, it would also depend on defence, because there's no point in having a high hitting weapon that has terrible defence, but i'd recommend claws or halberd.add me on runescape - money mad54
Attack, Strength, and possibly defence because of these raises your character's level which in turn raises your max hit. It also changes depending on what weapon you use.
-Armour-Void Knights Helm(s) : +6 To Defence Stats. ( No other bonuses )Void Top: +45 To Defence Stats, +45 Summoning. ( No other bonuses )Void Bottoms: +30 To Defence Stats, +15 Summoning. ( No other bonuses )-Weapon-Void Mace: +2 To Defence Stats, +22 Stab, +41 Crush, +8 Magic, +38 Strength, +6 Prayer.Notes:* Void Mace has the ability to auto-cast Crumble Undead, Claws of Guthix and Air-Fire Wave spells. * To Wear/Wield void, you will need level 42 attack, strength, defence, hitpoints, range and magic and level 22 prayer.
The fastest way to train strength to level 99 in F2P would be to train on giant spiders on the third level of the stronghold of security. Buy full rune armour, rune kiteshield and a rune scimitar. Level 40 defence and level 40 attack will be required to weild rune weaponry and armour. An inventory with four 4-dose strength potions and the other 24 slots filled with swordfish for good healing capabilities. The fastest way to train strength to level 99 in P2P would be to train on armoured zombies in the Chaos Temple Dungeon. Buy dragon armour, or Bandos armour if you can afford it. Level 60 defence, level 68 summoning and level 60 attack will be required to weild dragon weaponry and dragon/Bandos armour and summon a bunyip familiar to heal you. An inventory with a bonecrusher, four or more combat potions, four or more super defence potions, three bunyip pouches, a special attack weapon (dragon claws, dragon dagger, enhanced excalibur, dragon mace, dragon battleaxe) and fill the rest of your inventory with sharks. Remember to use the ladder and recharge your prayer at the altar when it gets low, turn on auto retaliate, pick up any stackable drops and use your special attack when your special attack bar is high enough.
You need 99attack,super attack potion, piety, and the best weapon, armor that increases attack, and fight someone with low defence.
Get 4th weapon for certain character and try to play with defence items. Tortoise amulet could be the best decision.