We're talking about World of Warcraft right?
I think Alliance is good and Horde is evil. Or something like that
Nope. Where Alliance toons get rep with the Alliance Vanguard, Horde get rep with the Horde Expedition in Northrend.
At the moment,there is about 9,000 horde on Aman'thul. Alliance have about 13,000, so there is about a ratio of 1.4 alliance to 1 horde.
Technically the Horde and Alliance both formed an alliance with the Death Knights after the Death Knights where betrayed by the Lich King.
Horde r00lz.
what's the difference between an alliance and an entente
Night Elves are in the Alliance faction.
Tauren (Horde) and Night elf (Alliance) In the upcoming expansion also Trolls (Horde) and Worgen (Alliance) will be able to be druids
The Horde is not better at pvp alliance is but horde are better at doing dungeons, raids and their much nicer then allis.
Check out the site in the related links section. It has a list of all the realms (both US and EU) Horde to Alliance ratio.
In Dalaran's Alliance or Horde Building