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Q: What is the easiest way to get a girlfriend on gta IV?
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Can you have a girlfriend on gta iv gay tony?

no u cant get a girlfriend but u can do alotta ppl

How do you be a cop gta iv xbox 360?

There is no way to do so.

Is there a way to mod gta iv online and with a usb drive?

Illegal and will not answer.

How do i play the original grand theft auto iv after you download the grand theft auto iv the lost and damned?

There are two ways to play GTA IV original after you have downloaded The Lost and Damned. The first is to load your GTA IV original save. The other way is to Select "New Game" in the pause menu. It should then bring up two buttons, "GTA IV" and "The Lost and Damned". Select GTA IV.

Can you do it in GTA4?

Yes, in GTA IV it is possible to have sex with prostitutes and your "girlfriend" in the story mode, although you do not see any nudity.

How do you get the cross hair in an annihilator in gta iv?

You can't, the easiest way to shoot is in first person, but what I did was stick two thin pieces of masking tape in the centre of the Tv to act as crosshairs, the improvement was great.

Is GTA iv on psp?

Nope, the city is way to big for such a small UMD

Is gta 6 name is gta iv?

No... It is GTA 4!

What do you do when your phone will not pull out all the way on GTA IV?

Press the direction button up twice

Is there UFO in GTA iv?


Is there a UFO in gta iv?


Can you get a girlfriend at any time in GTA IV?

No you either do the mission for roman and date Michael or complete out the closset and date soboho or lawchick on love meet