Look Go 2 Ur Wardrobe! And Wen U Click On Skin! U Press Da Little Mini Box At Da Far left Were All Da Colorz Aree And Den You Changee it 2 Da Tannish Color !! It Tottaly Work Now Im A Hawt Tanned Zwinky!! :)
go on tan cheat :P haha fooled you
You steal a wardrobe by doing the tan cheat you get their wardrobe
its not a website its a cheat and i kno it but u have to be a girl for me to do it. srry i websites have been deleted
to get the tan cheat,well it's not really a cheat but to get it u just click on any skin color and then click on 'change color' or watever next to r zwinky
Dear Zwinkyester The Following Site Is For The Invisible Cheat Tan Cheat & Faceless Cheat app.formassembly.com/forms/view/100206 WARNING These Cheat Erase All Of Your Current Outfits Please Add Me In Zwinky Im samoli11
go to the site zwinkyanswers.weebly.com there is no www. just go to the more information on tan/invisible page for more information on how to get it! :D :P
IF U KNO HOW THTZ GUD and IF U DONT EMAIL ME AT madDzZ@live.com and ill email u baq with the tan cheat
Ok well ask sabrina1900 n she will not hack u but she will give ur the 66 outfit tan cheat n its well cool....
how do i get a tan in zwinky also how do i get a zcard
Actually, you can go invisible on Zwinky. But you can only do it with the help of another. You must transfer wardrobes, just like the tan cheat, with someone who has it. I know many people who have it, too. The cheat is spreading rapidly. Ask someone with it to transfer wardrobes. ~
you can use this web address....... http://home.zwinky.com/zwinkyhome/main.jhtml?room=boutique16&launch=chat it will just take you to your home page on the web but on the zwinky desktop it will take you to sears